Sunday 23 November 2008

When we have a heart that beats….

Watching the series “Ghost whisperer” today leads me into thinking on how lucky we are when we have a heart that beats. A heart that wakes with us when our body wakes,; one that allows us to be anxious; a heart that lets take a risk in love and a heart that allows us to go through pain and eventually heal.

This is a free gift given to us and many a times we forget how lucky we are. For some who lack this kind of heart; they can not afford to have a day of leisure; they live every moment as if it were their last and many of them withdraw from life with a thought that tomorrow is not on their count. Do we ever sit down to say thank you to the “one” who gave us this wonderful heart? To some it’s from God, for some Allah; for some Krishna and so on.( I am not here to criticize any religion but I believe in this world we are not alone and the presence of a supernatural being is eminent. In my case it’s God.)

Think about how many times you complain of how your manicure doesn’t look good; you cry when you have a muscle pull and yell when a simple fact doesn’t go right in our daily life..its absolutely correct to express our emotions and grievances but what extent do we it? Many times we curse and make all around us seem so imperfect. We forget of the simple joy that is in us. Our heart, WHEN OUR HEART BEATS…….

Count yourself lucky today and try to live a life of gratitude. Do not expect everything to go your way but instead accept the challenges that will come your way. We are lucky to be able to breathe the air around us; to be able to feel all these emotions; to allow ourselves the luxury of planning for tomorrow and the next even though never knowing what it will bring..

Think about it today, my dearest reader…you dream because you have a heart that beats. My advise to you is love with all your strength; keep joy in your heart; allow pain to pass through and above all take care of your gift; your precious heart that keeps you alive…it beats just for you………

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