Tuesday 18 November 2008

Giving without taking……

Have you ever been in love with someone who doesn’t love you back? Well , I guess many of you have been victims of this “cancerous” feeling called unreciprocated love. We have been both the victims and villains at the same time in this game of love. Many times our minds help us out of these situation but on certain occasions not even the strongest mind can’t fight a heart that chooses to truly love…

This heart gives without taking, the feeling starts as a small tingle, gentle smile, simple gestures which turn into sweet ache, it slowly but surely covers your being like moss cover a damp tree. It spreads to your thoughts, dreams and in all you do you can’t help avoid this sweet desire to make the heart’s chosen one happy…

Many of you who have read my blog may wonder why I write mostly about love; well the answer is simple: love is the base of all that happen. It starts with God’s love to the love of the people around us. Love is a foundation of a lot that exist and it’s a feeling that can turn cancerous if we don’t tame it……

But what if we look at it from the other person’s point of view? Isn’t that the only way to relate with those near and dear to us? Isn’t it always a fact that true love knows how to let go and that we should never let the desire to posses someone overcome our sense of reason? Tonight I ponder on this topic of love and reflect on my life for the people I have loved, those who loved me back, those who never loved me back and I see things in a different way because I have been a villain too when I didn’t love back.

Help me think this through; maybe we should revise the meaning of love. Can it ever exist unreciprocated? When do we draw a line between love and desire? Isn’t always that in the game of love we never really loose when our loved ones leave us because when we love we don’t own the people we love. Loss only occurs to property that is owned but love is freedom. I talk of the love of a brother, of a sister, of a parent and the love of our partners…

When we love someone we ought to give without taking and when they leave however hard it maybe, we have to let them go and spread the joy of love to others as well..for the heart in pain , doubt and anxiety tonight, I would only like to say that your day will come and with every passing day you draw nearer to reciprocated love.

How sweet it sounds “ love that gives without taking”……..

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