Saturday 8 November 2008

ESSENCE OF LOVE.............................

I had a long conversation with two of my friends who happen to be a couple and are going through a trying moment in their life at present. The situation seems almost unsolvable and they are having sleepless nights to try and come with a near optimal solution to this sudden problem. Life has not been so easy for them and their life story is quite long.

I sympathize with them and ask them curiously how they are fairing on. And the answer I get from them sets me thinking.. He says “as long she is there with me, it makes it all easier”; she says “as long he believes we can make it through, I will believe”. These are very simple sentences and given that this couple is Christian, I expect them to say that God will see them through. Of course they believe HE will see them through the tough time but they have amazing faith in their union and they say that God is the bond of their marriage.

You may wonder why I write this but I have spoken to many couples Christian and non Christian and they often forget the value of their partners. When the troubles in life start to wear them down, many seek refuge elsewhere. Some stay way from home and come back in the wee hours of the morning. Many loose the will to talk about it. Hearts are hardened; blames are thrown left-right. Very few sit and try to work it out together..

Many people loose the power of conversation; the power to recognize that he/she is there holding their hands. How often do people take foregranted the love in their lives. When they forget the commitment once made before witnesses. What iF they held on together like this couple is doing. They look at each other in fatigue but he is happy she is there with him and she is happy he is there with her…

I envy them for they have strong weapon against trials, which is love..thats all we need when the night is so dark and we cant see ahead and the tears blind our sight..when we are tired how pleasant is it to know that we have someone to help us through…

He/ she is there…THE ESSENCE OF LOVE….

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful Diana