Saturday 15 November 2008


My mood is high today; my soul soars above the clouds,

In me it seems as though I am in the wilderness of blooming roses;

I am floating in a place of sunshine;

My body sways through the trees swiftly,

My feet swift like butterfly wings;

The feeling is overwhelming, joy so free and overflowing;

Why should my soul be sad? Why should I frown or sulk?

Look at the butterfly; it blossoms from a caterpillar to a beautiful, free existence;

Isn’t life the same? Whenever we feel that the world rejects us?

When we feel not beautiful enough?

When we can’t be the apple of the eye of those who surround us;

We are subdued in the darkness of a cocoon just a like the 1st stage of life of a butterfly;

When we don’t know how to break free;

Yet when we break free we still feel not beautiful enough?

We become caterpillars; still feared, dreaded;

Not good enough at least not enough to be thought as beautiful;

Why don’t we be patient and look forward to the time when we can blossom into a beautiful butterfly?

We can then fly away; drift away in the gentle wind;

Spread our colors for all to see…

Important fact to note is that we have the power to decide when to blossom and how long to blossom;

Let the joy reside in you;

Choose to break free from the cocoon and once you are free;

Once you blossom, never let it go;

When you loose this joy, you will wither and perhaps never to rise….

Don’t loose your colors to become a moth….

It’s a beautiful day to blossom;

Tomorrow will be beautiful too;

Even if not beautiful, I choose to stay on the bright side of life;

Never to turn into a dark, hairy moth…

Will blossom and spread my bright colors of joy……

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