Saturday 22 November 2008

In a single word

I was discussing one important fact of life with a friend of mine. It’s a powerful tool that has been entrusted to us. The power of the tongue, “WORDS”. It came to my attention that quite often we use words without measure. We say things we don’t mean to, give promises, and express hate, show love, declare where we stand amongst other things.

Have you ever wondered how a simple word could change a lot around you? Take an example of the word YES and NO; how often do we say this word without thinking of the consequences. From a simple question to simple declaration, these two words could bear life changing repercussions. Have you sat and wondered where these words go to? They certainly don’t disappear into thin air because quite often people remember the words we say to them. Its stored in the memories of the recipients and at the same time they float into the space around us. They don’t change but circumstances under which we use them vary.

In a simple word we can spread hate, love, pain and joy. We can change the world with what we say and it would not hurt a bit if we could think before we said any word. If we could weigh the consequences of what we wish to say before actually saying it.

Take a more practical example: for two people in love or those who care for each other. Isn’t it amazing how a simple word your partner could make you breakdown or lift you up? Isn’t it important the in the simple words we get from him/her bear understanding? How often do we take foregranted the gift of having someone to share our dreams, thought and even fears in from of words?

If what we say bears such great power, why do misuse this gift of being able to communicate? Why do hold back what we could have said to make the other person feel better and say words that we don’t mean to say? If we have such great power within our grasps why do we cause so much pain to other people by saying careless words and often lies to the people around us?

Tonight I think on the power of the words that will come out of my mouth in my next conversation. I promise to myself that when I can avoid it I will say nothing. I will say what is right at the right time and in the right tone. I will stick to the truth and bear the feelings of the recipient of my words in mind……….

This is the promise I give myself to be in a position to control the power of the words that I have been entrusted with. In other words the power of the tongue.

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