Saturday 29 November 2008

Christmas wish….

Every year we all lay our wishes at Christmas for the next year. For some people it’s more or else a habit they carry on from their parents and families. How often do we take time to think over what we wish for? Often what we wish for may not be what we need or perhaps we wish for something that life has already presented us…

This night I lie on my bed and wonder why one wish that I have put across at Christmas has not been granted as yet. Could it be possible that I have passed by my answer in the course of the year? Perhaps my wish is a cliché’ which need to be reviewed? May be it’s not what I need or the time has not yet arrived for it to be?

Whatever the reason is this Christmas I will lay my wish once more. This time in form of a prayer; hoping the heavens will hear me out and send me an answer. Above all that I may be able to see the answer when it comes to be. Let my Christmas wish be a desire for something noble and beautiful. It’s a wish that will hopefully make a difference in the world around me and the people I love…..

Don’t be afraid to make a wish but careful as to what you wish for it may come to be…

Sunday 23 November 2008

When we have a heart that beats….

Watching the series “Ghost whisperer” today leads me into thinking on how lucky we are when we have a heart that beats. A heart that wakes with us when our body wakes,; one that allows us to be anxious; a heart that lets take a risk in love and a heart that allows us to go through pain and eventually heal.

This is a free gift given to us and many a times we forget how lucky we are. For some who lack this kind of heart; they can not afford to have a day of leisure; they live every moment as if it were their last and many of them withdraw from life with a thought that tomorrow is not on their count. Do we ever sit down to say thank you to the “one” who gave us this wonderful heart? To some it’s from God, for some Allah; for some Krishna and so on.( I am not here to criticize any religion but I believe in this world we are not alone and the presence of a supernatural being is eminent. In my case it’s God.)

Think about how many times you complain of how your manicure doesn’t look good; you cry when you have a muscle pull and yell when a simple fact doesn’t go right in our daily life..its absolutely correct to express our emotions and grievances but what extent do we it? Many times we curse and make all around us seem so imperfect. We forget of the simple joy that is in us. Our heart, WHEN OUR HEART BEATS…….

Count yourself lucky today and try to live a life of gratitude. Do not expect everything to go your way but instead accept the challenges that will come your way. We are lucky to be able to breathe the air around us; to be able to feel all these emotions; to allow ourselves the luxury of planning for tomorrow and the next even though never knowing what it will bring..

Think about it today, my dearest reader…you dream because you have a heart that beats. My advise to you is love with all your strength; keep joy in your heart; allow pain to pass through and above all take care of your gift; your precious heart that keeps you alive…it beats just for you………

Saturday 22 November 2008

In a single word

I was discussing one important fact of life with a friend of mine. It’s a powerful tool that has been entrusted to us. The power of the tongue, “WORDS”. It came to my attention that quite often we use words without measure. We say things we don’t mean to, give promises, and express hate, show love, declare where we stand amongst other things.

Have you ever wondered how a simple word could change a lot around you? Take an example of the word YES and NO; how often do we say this word without thinking of the consequences. From a simple question to simple declaration, these two words could bear life changing repercussions. Have you sat and wondered where these words go to? They certainly don’t disappear into thin air because quite often people remember the words we say to them. Its stored in the memories of the recipients and at the same time they float into the space around us. They don’t change but circumstances under which we use them vary.

In a simple word we can spread hate, love, pain and joy. We can change the world with what we say and it would not hurt a bit if we could think before we said any word. If we could weigh the consequences of what we wish to say before actually saying it.

Take a more practical example: for two people in love or those who care for each other. Isn’t it amazing how a simple word your partner could make you breakdown or lift you up? Isn’t it important the in the simple words we get from him/her bear understanding? How often do we take foregranted the gift of having someone to share our dreams, thought and even fears in from of words?

If what we say bears such great power, why do misuse this gift of being able to communicate? Why do hold back what we could have said to make the other person feel better and say words that we don’t mean to say? If we have such great power within our grasps why do we cause so much pain to other people by saying careless words and often lies to the people around us?

Tonight I think on the power of the words that will come out of my mouth in my next conversation. I promise to myself that when I can avoid it I will say nothing. I will say what is right at the right time and in the right tone. I will stick to the truth and bear the feelings of the recipient of my words in mind……….

This is the promise I give myself to be in a position to control the power of the words that I have been entrusted with. In other words the power of the tongue.

Tuesday 18 November 2008

Giving without taking……

Have you ever been in love with someone who doesn’t love you back? Well , I guess many of you have been victims of this “cancerous” feeling called unreciprocated love. We have been both the victims and villains at the same time in this game of love. Many times our minds help us out of these situation but on certain occasions not even the strongest mind can’t fight a heart that chooses to truly love…

This heart gives without taking, the feeling starts as a small tingle, gentle smile, simple gestures which turn into sweet ache, it slowly but surely covers your being like moss cover a damp tree. It spreads to your thoughts, dreams and in all you do you can’t help avoid this sweet desire to make the heart’s chosen one happy…

Many of you who have read my blog may wonder why I write mostly about love; well the answer is simple: love is the base of all that happen. It starts with God’s love to the love of the people around us. Love is a foundation of a lot that exist and it’s a feeling that can turn cancerous if we don’t tame it……

But what if we look at it from the other person’s point of view? Isn’t that the only way to relate with those near and dear to us? Isn’t it always a fact that true love knows how to let go and that we should never let the desire to posses someone overcome our sense of reason? Tonight I ponder on this topic of love and reflect on my life for the people I have loved, those who loved me back, those who never loved me back and I see things in a different way because I have been a villain too when I didn’t love back.

Help me think this through; maybe we should revise the meaning of love. Can it ever exist unreciprocated? When do we draw a line between love and desire? Isn’t always that in the game of love we never really loose when our loved ones leave us because when we love we don’t own the people we love. Loss only occurs to property that is owned but love is freedom. I talk of the love of a brother, of a sister, of a parent and the love of our partners…

When we love someone we ought to give without taking and when they leave however hard it maybe, we have to let them go and spread the joy of love to others as well..for the heart in pain , doubt and anxiety tonight, I would only like to say that your day will come and with every passing day you draw nearer to reciprocated love.

How sweet it sounds “ love that gives without taking”……..

Saturday 15 November 2008


My mood is high today; my soul soars above the clouds,

In me it seems as though I am in the wilderness of blooming roses;

I am floating in a place of sunshine;

My body sways through the trees swiftly,

My feet swift like butterfly wings;

The feeling is overwhelming, joy so free and overflowing;

Why should my soul be sad? Why should I frown or sulk?

Look at the butterfly; it blossoms from a caterpillar to a beautiful, free existence;

Isn’t life the same? Whenever we feel that the world rejects us?

When we feel not beautiful enough?

When we can’t be the apple of the eye of those who surround us;

We are subdued in the darkness of a cocoon just a like the 1st stage of life of a butterfly;

When we don’t know how to break free;

Yet when we break free we still feel not beautiful enough?

We become caterpillars; still feared, dreaded;

Not good enough at least not enough to be thought as beautiful;

Why don’t we be patient and look forward to the time when we can blossom into a beautiful butterfly?

We can then fly away; drift away in the gentle wind;

Spread our colors for all to see…

Important fact to note is that we have the power to decide when to blossom and how long to blossom;

Let the joy reside in you;

Choose to break free from the cocoon and once you are free;

Once you blossom, never let it go;

When you loose this joy, you will wither and perhaps never to rise….

Don’t loose your colors to become a moth….

It’s a beautiful day to blossom;

Tomorrow will be beautiful too;

Even if not beautiful, I choose to stay on the bright side of life;

Never to turn into a dark, hairy moth…

Will blossom and spread my bright colors of joy……

Saturday 8 November 2008

ESSENCE OF LOVE.............................

I had a long conversation with two of my friends who happen to be a couple and are going through a trying moment in their life at present. The situation seems almost unsolvable and they are having sleepless nights to try and come with a near optimal solution to this sudden problem. Life has not been so easy for them and their life story is quite long.

I sympathize with them and ask them curiously how they are fairing on. And the answer I get from them sets me thinking.. He says “as long she is there with me, it makes it all easier”; she says “as long he believes we can make it through, I will believe”. These are very simple sentences and given that this couple is Christian, I expect them to say that God will see them through. Of course they believe HE will see them through the tough time but they have amazing faith in their union and they say that God is the bond of their marriage.

You may wonder why I write this but I have spoken to many couples Christian and non Christian and they often forget the value of their partners. When the troubles in life start to wear them down, many seek refuge elsewhere. Some stay way from home and come back in the wee hours of the morning. Many loose the will to talk about it. Hearts are hardened; blames are thrown left-right. Very few sit and try to work it out together..

Many people loose the power of conversation; the power to recognize that he/she is there holding their hands. How often do people take foregranted the love in their lives. When they forget the commitment once made before witnesses. What iF they held on together like this couple is doing. They look at each other in fatigue but he is happy she is there with him and she is happy he is there with her…

I envy them for they have strong weapon against trials, which is love..thats all we need when the night is so dark and we cant see ahead and the tears blind our sight..when we are tired how pleasant is it to know that we have someone to help us through…

He/ she is there…THE ESSENCE OF LOVE….


This morning I woke up in a low mood and didn’t wanna do anything, coming to work was a problem but such days happen to all I believe. I pushed my weary self out of the bed, to the bathroom and I felt discouraged that some of the dreams I had so long dreamt were not coming to reality. I reminded myself that dreams are there to motivate us and not necessarily to come true. This line was enough for me to get my “ ass “ out of the house and get on road….

When I turned on the TV at the break room, the words on CNN screen made my heart almost leap, it was unbelievable, exciting, and unpredictable and above all I felt a surge of inspiration flow within me. This news may not affect me directly, I may be insignificant party here but one thing that was eminent at that moment was the courage and extreme optimism I received. Who told you that you were too small to dream? Who discouraged you that you could never reach for the stars? These people may have been close to you and you had great hope for their support. What if they were wrong? Do you know that a life without dreams is like dry bones.. Dreams are the source of oil that nourishes the flame in our souls. How many times do we let people dictate to us what we can become and what we can not?

Today I learn that hardships will come my way, tears will fall and I will loose strength to carry on but I will not let go on my faith. I will hold on to what I believe, listen to what opinions people have to say but I will trust my inner self to make the decision. For that is the source of my dreams.

The yesterday’s happening may be discouraging, the pain may have made us fall hard and we get sleepless nights over this. It doesn’t matter how hard you fall or how disgraceful it may be but it’s of a great deal how we arise. Its wise to get in touch with the inner “we” and find out what it says, don’t be afraid to let the dreams motivate you and lift you in the wings of an eagle. You will soar again above the clouds of pain and doubt just as the eagle flies above the clouds of rain.

However it’s important to work to achieve your dreams and this you need abundance of self love, faith and self acceptance. In this way you will be in a position to pass on the love and optimism to all around you. You will never ever truly love and make other people happy when you don’t love yourself or miss the joy within you…

Back to my inspiration this morning: BARACK OBAMA dreamt, he fought, and he passed his joy and optimism to all around him. He inspired them to dream with him…he achieved his goal… but remember it all began with a simple dream. H e held on to his dreams…………………