Monday 27 July 2009


The 7 DAYS newspaper screams the headline of a boy who wishes to give everyone a hug in the malls of Dubai. This struck me as odd just like anyone else in Dubai must have thought. It may appear as an insane thought, perhaps even outrageous to the conservative Muslim culture but in the human eye it’s a simple sign of affection. It’s the story of a young boy so tired of seeing sad, strained faces of the people around him. People going about their daily lives without love, affection and the easiest of all things.. A smile…

Why do I talk of this today/ simply because I search the faces of the people I encounter everyday and long to see the contentment in their eyes. Many of those I meet are on their hurried way to work, meetings, dates or even rendezvous.. So often those who smile, hide the sad streak in their eyes and keep appearances. No one to give them the affection they may need. They maybe married or single but this has become the order of the day. When husband and wife live in a “house but not a home”. Walk into the bedroom and no single sign of affection, which could simply be done in an embrace.

Not to be pessimistic and judgmental, I am sure there are those who practice this and couples who enjoy this blessing they possess each and every day of their lives. How simple the lock of an embrace is but quite a powerful tool to show love, goodwill and appreciation of those close to us. When we share this simple act we pass on the human warmth and optimism. To the young children it gives assurance that all will be fine even though there is little to be optimistic about in the current world..

When tears fill our eyes and we want to break down ; it may be clear that the answer is not nigh but the fact that we could genuinely feel the affection, assurance of someone close to us could actually heave the cloud of doubts in our heart and mind. It’s a simple act that would make a foreigner feel welcome in a strange land, open the hardened hearts and “brighten the sun”. The sun may shine high up above but few see the rays. It maybe bright outside but many have their blinds drawn. Why not open them up for them? Why not show them that it may not be so bad after all.

The young children have an amazing love, untainted, needing and unconditional. When they wish to share and spread this, what could bring better healing to a society of economic hardships, violence and speedy lifestyle? They nee someone to tell them STOP! Take time and feel what love could be like.. it simple warm, unconditional and always there just an arm length’s away..

Share the love , joy , acceptance, welcome and joy in the simple lock of an embrace….go ahead, try it see the smile that brightens the sun…

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