Tuesday 7 July 2009

WHO WILL STAND?..........................................

Watching the MJ memorial last night, my mind lingered on the words that were said by those who knew him. For many, he was a hero, best performer, best friend and even king of pop. But the story that moved me most was the tears of a young child; a girl who had lost her father and even in the midst of all the press and celebrities and the world, she broke down and wept. She had lost a father, the only father she ever knew…

Why do I say this? In many occasions, we are misled by the world around us and the people we call friends (I am not against friendships) but do we really recognize the people who truly know us? Our friends may describe us as a strange person but those who know us by heart will understand that we are not strange; instead we have a lot of strange things and people to deal with. The world may consider us a personality but there are those who will see us as a person…

Which would you prefer? My question to you this morning is that when we die, who will stand to speak at our memorial? It may not be on a public podium but would it be a memorial of praise, beautiful words of poetry or even jokes? Or would it be one of celebration of a live fully lived? A life of rewards and givings? Would we have someone just break down to say “I love you”? Would they shed a tear and whisper “I will miss you”?

Even though we are over 6 billion in the world, do we recognize how lonely many are? We have a person inside of us who desires to live. A child in our hearts who wants to get out and be heard. We stifle the cries of this inner child in us as trash his/her innocence. In exchange for the quick passing dreams. How often do we overlook this aspect of our being and end up living a hopeless life. This child in us dreams and it’s only when we let these pure dreams come out, would we truly live…

I am not a wise woman and being a Christian, I understand the fact that in the eyes of God, human wisdom is mere madness. Everyday, I therefore pray to Him to grant me His wisdom and that I may live my life in this wisdom. Back to my theme for this morning; I hope in my heart that I have earned the love of people close to my heart. It doesn’t matter if they will stand at my memorial and say the beautiful words. It will not change the simple cycle of life but what would matter is that, “is the person standing up having my print in his/her heart”? Will they lack words and just weep to say they love me….

I am not trying to say that we all need to think of our memorials all the days of our lives. What I mean to say is that do we really hold and appreciate the people closest to us? Or do we live lonely lives in the crowd of over 6 billion people? Do we let the child in us come out alive? Whatever you choose to do today or for the rest of your life, I hope that you will have someone stand and whisper the words of love…

Who will stand?...................................

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