Sunday 2 August 2009


News headlines, tabloids, journals and talk shows all show us the atrocities committed in the present day. Humanity is slowing fading and many are faced with shocking findings that the people who share their roofs are not who they deemed them to be. Parents realizing that they raised monsters in the skin of their off springs…

A 17 year old girl being murdered in broad daylight while running errands and a 3 month old baby hacked to death by her own mother. To some it appears “order of the day” but why not stop and think? Where do all these people who commit such atrocities come from? Well, the answer is simple; they are born and raised amongst us. Some could be our neighbors at home, some our colleagues at work or even closer, our sisters, bothers, parents or even fiancés’. Surprised, well yes you should…

All these criminals are not from alien planets, they are part of us. Scientist may blame it on a defective gene, some may blame it on sickness (which naturally occurs) but what really causes us to go over that edge? I am still yet to explore these reasons further, life will teach me the things that I may not see at my present age and above all I pray to God that He may open my the eyes of my heart to see what really lurks behind the hideous crimes…

In my young opinion, the solution may be simpler than we think it is. It’s all grounded in love. When we love those around us with purest of intentions, the God-given love and build them with our deeds. When a parent doesn’t close his/her eye to the misdemeanor or folly deeds of his young child. When the cut the evil in its bud. When we stop living self centered lives and go back to the basics of genuinely caring for those who share our beds, those who sit across our tables and in love live each and every passing day. Well, some may say I am a dreamer but when you think of it, it’s the only way to clean our sociality of all the sicknesses related to stress and loneliness.

Parents failing to counsel their children and leave them to play video games all day long. Sisters failing to pay attention on the dangerous internet surfing their brothers may be involved in. a friend of mine to whom I got acquainted on the internet once noted lightly “if I was your father, I would shut down all internet access because you have no idea to whom you will chat to”. It struck me as odd but he was right. We have closed our eyes and don’t want to face the villain right in the face. We hide away behind the mask of laughter, walking in and out of movie halls amongst other activities that don’t really help us see what the person next to us is turning into..

This is a topic that may not be easy an easy one to close and the religious books and people have explored it. There is a distinct line between good and evil but it’s also important to note the power of free will. This is the only weapon we have and we should not let ourselves be subdued into thinking we can’t make a choice.

Once I asked my mother how it was to raise 9 children and her answer was, “that sometimes, when she lacked wise counsel as a parent, she went down on her knees and seeked the guidance of the heavens.” For those who believe in God, you are safe in this haven but why don’t we share this joy with all around us…

Once again my call is on you and me.. That’s where it all starts.. Look around and show the world around you that indeed there is someone who loves…let’s smoke this villain that dwells in our abodes out….he is not welcome anymore …….

Look around, the villain could be right in your face…………….perhaps even closer, look at the mirror…what do you see?

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