Monday 20 July 2009


Hearts, minds and intellectual beings that believe in us and trust our words, thoughts and actions are present in our daily lives. From the innocent mind of a child to wise mind of an elderly man, there are those who trust that the deposits we place in the basket of life is all of good intention. Some could trust us with their hearts, some their minds, finance and most importantly the benevolent child who has his life entrusted in you. The giving lover and partner who gives to you the most precious, their body joining in one with yours..

The news, stories milling around will tell you of how badly we abuse this privilege; betray trust, loyalty, love and abuser the lives of the young ones trusted to us. I am not saying all that we do is evil and that the deposits are foul but I would urge to you to think about it. What of the person who has given to you without holding back, what of the bank that has entrusted a loan to you and your child who solely depends on you? When we decide to intentionally abuse these privileges then how can we truly claim to love? We break families and leave young ones divided and lost; some go the extent of sexually abusing the innocent ones. Why do we place foul deposits in these new baskets?

A story of a shattered man, who took in all the lies he received form his partner, he assured his heart that these lies could actually be true. The promise of the wife to fight for their love and keep their marriage alive was all he needed to get by. He was yearning for her love, her company of deceit, living a lie each and every passing day. So thirsty was he for her presence in his life that he aided her in concealing a crime. He needed just an ounce of this poisoning love to keep him going for yet another day.

What am I driving at? We have business associates, partners, families and friends who rely on our every word with a hope that it will help them in achieving certain goal. Some rely on our company to make their day a, some need our love to lift them up each and every passing day. We all depend on each other in some way or another and how often do we take fore granted the small lies we tell to those close to us. We fabricate the truth to suit our own needs. Our self-centered thoughts take center stage and nothing else matters. What we give out is foul and unworthy, staining the baskets of those in need of it.

Do we realize how blessed we are to have someone care or rely on us. Someone give us their trust and could stand in our defense when we need so? We only give the undesired deposits. The color is dull, foul and un-pretty. But alas, what do we care? Take time and look into the eyes of the person you are bound to poison with your ill-intention/lie and feel the pain they are bound to feel when they discover you have betrayed their trust. It could be the business partner, your colleague, your child or even your partner.

It’s beyond any reasonable doubt that the foul deposit we place in their baskets will stain all the good deposits we had earlier placed. It’s all interdependent and rotates in a cycle. Is it not better to for them to have empty basket or half full basket of the worthy deposits than have full one of unworthy deposits from us?

For the heart that loves and trust like the man in my story, I encourage you to continue doing so for your beautiful souls renew the souls already tainted in the society that we live in. with your giving hearts and pure deposits you put in other people’s baskets, a new growth is realized and love is natured.

Bear in mind “A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world. Everyone you meet is your mirror.” Let’s fill these baskets with seeds of love…it starts with you and me… :)

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