Tuesday 14 July 2009


Listening to the CD of James Morrison “Undiscovered”, I feel a deep connection or perhaps I related to his words in a personal way. The words of his songs are well arranged and unlike banging music that goes in through one ear and out through the other, his words stay in mind and the tunes awaken life to the listeners.. What a talent!!

However, this is not what I intend to discuss today but rather I would like to explore the issue of playing on broken strings. Many a times we find ourselves enslaved by our desires or ambitions and even though the red signal may blink warning us of danger zone; we keep on walking. We are determined and believe that we can achieve all things with this determination. Well, few wise men in the past made us believe that we should never give up. But isn’t it a fact that if everyone could achieve what they wished for in this world then there would be chaos?

In the few years of my life, one point has been clear that our instincts will always guide us and tell us when to stop. When to know that this is a road not to be explored. There could be better alternate roads which are available to us only if we open our eyes. Even though we may wish to keep the rain from falling, we have to let it fall because it’s beyond our control. Any instrument that has strings needs two ends to make a connection and only when the connection between end A and B is done, can we really produce beautiful tunes, melody and music.

What am I getting at? Any relationship, friendship needs point A and B; it takes two to tango and when one end decides to leave there is no way you can create the wonderful tunes of love. No music will be produced and as the string slackens before it breaks, the sound is horrifying. In the same way when love is lost, trying to resurrect or force it through will only bring the unwanted results. The pain will be excruciating, words hurtful and the beautiful memories shared may be lost forever. Why not heed to the warning signs of our instincts, it will let us know when the string is broken.

The same may be to our dreams; some dreams may work but some may not work. The fear to accept and let go of the unfeasible dreams may overwhelm us but trust me, there are always other options. Promises may be broken but these certainly are the ones that were meant to be broken. There is a special power in letting loose and accepting, a liberation that you can’t stop certain events from occurring. The sun will shine, so will the moon and eventually we can not stop the rain from falling even though we may wish to…

Quit playing on broken strings, it may kill you desire to make the beautiful music of life…don’t try save stuff from the fire when there is nothing to save..running after the last train when its too late may leave you panting and breathless…. Feel the beautiful release of letting go….

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