Sunday 5 July 2009


Today being the birthday of my closest friend and confidant, who I am also proud to have as a sister: I sat and thought of what was the best gift I could give her? What were the right words to say to her? How could I brighten her day? We live continents apart and my physical presence isn’t possible on this day even though deep inside I wish to tell her how proud I am of her, how much I love her..

Well, to many of you it may appear just as a simple sisterly love but I do not where to start or stop in describing her selfless love and care she has accorded to all of us. They say that in a family there is always one who bears the touch of an angel.. Well in my family as much all my other siblings are special to me; I could not find the best words to describe her but to say she was gifted with the touch of an angel.

Her soft spoken voice, quite firm but empathizes great deal. There were times when I needed a shoulder to cry on and she offered not only her shoulder but she also cried with me. In situations that I felt hopeless she encouraged and whenever necessary stood by my side till this period elapsed. She ran with us the race and at the end she was there to wipe the sweat from our faces. Not always is she soft but is ready to scold when needed.

I have been through tough times, during my studies and I made it through because she selflessly gave a lot to ensure I was strong all the way. I may never know the extent of her sacrifices and I may never be able to repay her for all her good deeds but what I can do today, is to write an open letter to my wonderful sister, Joy on her birthday…

For the times she stayed by my father’s sick bed, for the long tiring journey she made to see her sister’s on parents day. For the time she gave up her needs and wants to share with us what she had. For the bond she holds for Mboya’s family. The love she has given to our mother, in gifts and her gentle presence. She may not be perfect but I could never wish for a better sister. I may never say the most beautiful words and words may not be new…but this is the only tool that I have, words.. May God grant you many more anniversaries and who knows the words may be more special than today

Dearest sis, if there are other re incarnations after this life, may fate give me the gift of being close to you. May you always be the listener, comforter and welcoming person you have always been. The wonderful mother that you are , and a loving wife to keep your family strong and happy. You shared your bed and showed me your tears, you laughter healed a lot of my doubts.. I may never be able to stop writing but this day I pray that God grants you the wisdom to live through this life leaving prints in people hearts.. You may not be a famous celebrity but in my world you are more than a star..

I leave a light on for you in my life and heart… and on the days when your stars don’t shine so bright, take my candle, let it light the way. On the day you need a warm embrace, I will open my arms broad to give back what you have given to me all these years. When you are lost, I will be lost with you and together we will find a way. I may not be there always but I pray to God the father to keep you in His light and guide your path.. In these words I write an open letter of love to my dearest sister Joy…

Happy birthday………….

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