Monday 16 February 2009


I wonder what my father would tell me today if I told of him what troubled me and what my desires were. Would he relate to my thoughts, desires and dreams? Would he tell me of a story in his lifetime from which I would draw a lesson? What would be his advice? Perhaps he would tell me to follow my dreams and pursue my goals in life. What if he scolds me and expresses his disappointment on my living below the standards he taught me? This evening I ponder on the wisdom of my father. I am not trying to say that he is a perfect and ever knowing person. I must admit he has his flaws but which he suppressed and let the good side over shadow..

He is a man of a few words and quite moody but these are traits which prove that he is human just like any one of us. I am not going to describe his features to you but instead I would love to share with you the nostalgia that lives in my heart this afternoon. The deep desires to see him and listen to him speak. I remember watching him taking walks in the neighborhood, perhaps he had a lot on his mind, and perhaps he did it to get his own time away from the large family that surrounded him. I remember the lines of wisdom he relayed in between his humor trying to lessen the gravity of the message he wanted to pass across.

In his dedication to us, I observed the trait of patience, he didn’t complain on the stress he must have gone through to bring us to the level that we are as a family today. I wonder what he is doing at this moment; could it be that he is talking to his friends (he has few friends)? Perhaps dozing under his favorite tree? , I am sure he is listening to “lingala” while relaxing on his rocking chair. He taught me the importance of seeking tranquility within the soul and heart. He never failed in making me understand that joy came from within us and that no other person could make us happy, instead they could with us their joy.

What of the time when I didn’t achieve what I wanted in school in a game or a toy? In his wisdom he made me realize that life isn’t always about what we want, it’s more of accepting what is beyond our control and seeking the other open doors in life. Not once did I see him stagger drunk where as he would buy vodka for his mates and enjoy a laugh or two with them. When we asked him why he never took alcohol, his answer was simple” I don’t know what alcohol is and my life is great without it “ I am not in criticism of alcohol but in this way he made make a decision to keep an a
liquor free life.

When life is tough and the decision making is hard, he acknowledges the help he can accord from God. He is not a deeply religious man but he believes in God and even though I never saw him kneel down to pray, he asked my mother to keep him in her prayers. I am nostalgic on his laughter, when he taught me that laughing was a great medicine for the soul. I wonder what piece of wisdom I would miss today. Perhaps he had planted the seed in me to seek wisdom from God and take all the lessons I can from my daily life. I could say endless wisdom tips from him but I see that in my life yesterday, today and tomorrow, I am yet to learn. My true wisdom comes from God….

I miss him today, I am nostalgic of my homeland, and my hearts has a rooting in my beautiful homeland Kenya. I am an African girl and a child of my father…

I Love you dad…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We should really be glad to have him as a Dad and dont forget how great Mum is too!We are blessed and may God continue granting them the gift of life.
Keep it up sis.