Sunday 1 March 2009

Rise up, lift your face off the mud puddle

Tonight I am thinking on the subject mistakes. Several times we have made mistakes, we have fallen fromgrace and sometimes our mistakes can be rectified and sometimes they can not. From betrayal to mistakes that make us loose our face before the people who trust us. The guilt that follows our actions sometimes is unbearable. We are too hard on our selves and quite often we can not forgive our own self. This certainly hurts..

Harder is the task when you have to face the people disappointed in you. The choices weren’t the best and you fell. You fell down hard, face right in the pool of mud.tears feel your eyes and you mind has endless question as to how you could let it go that you lie face in the mud, too guilty to rise. How can you face the sun again when you had thought your path was the best. When you felt better than your friends and pride filled your heart…

It’s ok to hold your face down but not too long because the further you hold it down the greater the consequence of our actions. You may be lonely when you rise up and your face will be dirty; perhaps not pleasant to look at. Your eyes will be swollen from crying. But time has to come when you have to rise up and wash your face. Nourish your body with gentle soup of acceptance. Just like you clean a sweaty body, you need to wash away your guilt. You have to be accountable and try to make it up to the party’s hurt.You have to get the strength to do this by acknowledging your faults. You need to rise up once more.

You may not receive instant forgiveness from those you have hurt but time will show; for every one makes mistakes and every day of our life someone is at fault …

So you fell from grace, the utopia you created but time to rise up, face from the mud, forgive yourself and you will be forgiven when you seek it. Lift you face off the mud and swear never to go back there ….

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