Friday 6 February 2009


Reading a Kenyan newspaper today, I felt disappointed and disgruntled. I remember the pain, fear, confusion and hatred that gripped my country during the last elections. May people fell victims of transparent lies both from the politicians and themselves? The beastiality and savageness that flashed on the faces of my fellow country men was horrifying. Husband, wives, neighbors and friends turned against each other and blood was shed on the grounds of loyalty, in the name of “justice”.

I understand the anger that one could bear when he/she feels lied to and especially if he/she feels he is being taken for a fool. The story is long but what I want to dwell on is how to deal with transparent lies? What do you do when you see that a politician, a friend or even family is lying to you? For the politician’s case you may have no other choice because all the candidates presented before you are not worth your vote. You may think that boycotting voting is failure to practice your rights; but hold on for a moment and think of what about you, what about your hopes for the future and what about the next generation? Should your tolerance of a lie allow the innocent to suffer? Is it really worth the cause?

For the lovers and partners, it’s harder because in this case because the heart is involved. The heart understands its own language and even though your mind tries to reason out with it for a possible exit, it may not heed to the counsel of reason. It hurts when you can see in the eyes, through the lips and constraints in the voice of the people you love when the try to sell you a white lie. You know and feel that what they say to you is not true, deep in your heart you don’t wish to show mistrust; you have no chance to prove that it is a lie. Your instincts are screaming “transparent lie”. How do you go on when a piece of your heart is poisoned? When you feel the trust you accorded has been violated. So many people chose to keep silent and look the other way. Many of us are afraid of loosing what they held on to. But is it worth all the trouble? Is it worth being a slave of a lie than be free in the truth?

If you ask me, I would choose truth at any time. It would hurt to get to know that truth and in time you will heal than to spend sleepless night trying to make justifications for the one who chooses to betray your trust. I am not encouraging mistrust but rather I am encouraging us to start telling the truth; let it start from us and when we go to bed at night, take a few minutes to convince our hearts of the truth as it is. Let the charity begin at home, and hope that those we love and care about will follow suit…

As for the politicians in my country, I have no words for them at the moment. So many promises were given; loyalty of the people has been betrayed. Friendships broken, innocent blood shed. So much damage has been done just because of believing in transparent lies. Their words were strong and they spoke of change. Enemy boundaries were drawn and now the enemies share the same bed and plate over the innocent blood that was shed. I am not quoting any names but let’s search our hearts, from the leaders to the small children, how much pain and heartache would we save the ones we love by telling them the truth? It may hurt, but in time they will realize that the truth sets them free.
Remember for every lie, there has to be thousand supporting lies…lets start tonight and search within our hearts, clean our closets, the skeletons of transparent lies….

Don’t settles for anything less than reason because choice will always lead you back to square one…this is the weakness of the human kind….

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