Tuesday 10 February 2009


Many a times we believe that we are smart enough to know what’s right for us; that we have it all figured out. We could be knowledgeable, intelligent perhaps of a high IQ. What then becomes of us when life throws at our faces situations that we can’t handle? They say when trouble knocks, it knocks double or even bring along its seven brothers. Strength may fail us and at times we wish the ground could open beneath our feet and swallow us. No magic wand would take the pain away.

You go to bed and wake up with pain staring right at your face and loneliness still under the covers. “Perhaps you should say good morning pain and confusion!”….“How do you do today?” the reality is real and up close that you can nearly taste it. You can feel it sit beside you at the table and even kneel beside you as you pray. For those of us who pray, words could be lost and you may not know what to ask for God. You are afraid it may seem foolish or selfish before the heavens above to lodge a complaint.

Many of you wonder by now why most of my blogs are about pain and reflection but I realize that around me lately I have seen a lot of pain, I have talked to people in pain, lost in pain and I have gone through pain. What I am trying to discuss with you today is how we should go through it and come out seasoned and take a long the lessons we should. For those who are of great faith, go down on your knees and seek an answer for your soul because many times the reason may be beyond human comprehension and strength.

For those who don’t believe in God (although I would advice you to reconsider), find a place where you can search inside of you and listen to what’s going on in your mind. You may be surprised to find that the answer is closer than you think or perhaps a lesson you have from your past. You may feel lost and weak, blinded by lack of power to turn events around. Feeling small is alright at this point because no path in life bears least resistance. Be brave and believe that tomorrow you will smile again.

Lucky are those who take joy from the fountain of life, that’s Jesus Christ; He is closer than we anticipate. He is willing and will hold our hands. No offense to my readers of other faiths, you have you fortress, in your faith you have Him who holds your hand and your source of strength. Seek Him…

Just when we think we have it all figured out, watch out Life is watching you.. you will be tested and tried. At the end of it all the storm will come to pass and you will smile again ….carry on….

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