Wednesday 4 February 2009


Deep in the prairies of the African savannah, her beautifully shaped spine touched the ground;
Her long legs gracefully bent;
Bent to the direction of the sun;
Modeled legs, wrapped in beautifully colored skin;
Her soul just like her knees bowed to the sun;
Like a sunflower the petal of her heart were brightly colored;
All around her was serene, natural melody and music;
All chorused in the beautiful chirps, hisses and gentle screeches….
She was at home in the wild…

Her mind wondered into a dream;
Dream of the other night, perhaps the other day;
Her eyes followed the plane in the blue sky;
Her thoughts followed her eyes;
Deep in her hearts she felt an ache;
Ache of what was unknown beyond her eyes;
Her curious mind searched for the answers;
Ache of what had been, betrayal and pain;
Ache of the loyalties hard to break;
Ache to be loved and to love
Ache to be free like the child of the wild that she truly was…..

Love wasn’t in her vocabulary; she knew that her heart will lead her to it,
Her wild and yet virgin heart knew that road to take;
No vocabulary was needed,
Love to her was not spoken by the mouth but only by heart;
She was a child of the wild;
In this wilderness only truth and loyalty ruled.

her heart has encountered a polished love,
One that was covered in glitter, luxury;
Love from the west, love that hasn’t seen the wilderness in her soul;
The virgin green of the emotions abiding in her;
She has given all she can for this love;
Her heart has ached for it to be hers;
She is a child of the wild, where everyone is free;
She can’t capture this beautiful emotion;
She lets it free, fly around her, around her aching soul;

The child of the wild has loved;
No idea if loved back;
In her virgin and wild heart, only dreams lie waiting;
Waiting for him to fly back to her;
Her wild heart longs for him to look into her;
Look into her and see the “child of the earth”
This wonderful being abides in her soul……

The child of the wild longs for him…….
Will he turn to see her waiting? Just like she lay in the prairies dreaming….
She dreams on and waits for her story…..
Maybe he will choose her, may be she is too wild for him…..

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