Wednesday 24 September 2008


Tonight i think of the miles i have traveled in my life till present. i think of the people who have made it possible for me to come this far.. Tear fill my eyes when i think of a heroine in my life, someone who gave her life to making sure my siblings and I had the best… I recall watching her every evening, tired from work and probably hungry but she would always be the last to take a plate, the last one to fill her plate with food.. Back then I never realized what a gesture this was…

As I sit here tonight I think of where she is now, is she happy? Was she happy to walk with us through the journey of our lives? Is it fair to go on with my life and leave her behind to enjoy every moment of her life? Will I be abandoning her when I leave to start a family of my own? I wonder if she knows how much I love her and even though the latest miles in my life were covered away from her, every moment was possible because of the love I saw in her eyes.

I miss her tonight and I wish I could stay around the fire with her tonight and listen to her talk, I wish to let her know that she is a heroine in my life, to let her know that her humility has touched me to the core; her tolerance has inspired me to be strong. It must have been hard for her to raise the nine of us but not once did I hear her complain or break down..

Words may not describe what role she has played in my life and she may not know that the miles in my life were only covered as a result of the discipline she instilled in me. Every night when I look into the sky above, I don’t give it a mere passing glance; I thank God that He gave my mother…

You may wonder why I write this and I know it doesn’t mean anything to you what I think of my mother but I wish to encourage to reflect on the miles in your past, the miles you have covered, and thank the person who has been an inspiration in your life. As for me it’s my mother and she is continues to guide me in her gentle words… I may not have the chance to tell that I love her tonight but I whisper it to the wind and I hope she gets it before she lays to bed…

I love you mama……


She guided me, protected me, and taught me;

She was there when I woke from a scary dream,

Held my hand through the night when I had my fever;

Never gave up on me when I cried all night through;

She watched my first steps;

She cared for me;

She taught me the meaning of love, inscribed the way to love in my life;

In the heat of the sun she carried me on her back when my feet failed;

She saw me in my worst times, what more can I ask for;

What words can describe the warmth I felt when she rocked me in her bosom?

When I was scared of the lightning and thunder, she told me a story to be brave;

She taught me humble ways,

Words fail me. Her noble heart, humble gestures and reassuring smiles;

The smile I have on my face is from you mama;

I may not have your dimple on my cheeks, but I have it in my heart;

I am the daughter of my mother and I am proud to be her child..

Let the world know, you capture my heart;

I love you………


Anonymous said...

I hope your mother also knows what a wonderful daughter she has :-)

Anonymous said...

The memory of the miles covered with our Mama make everyday in life be Happy Mother's Day.