Sunday 14 September 2008


Today, I will try to walk you through the moments in your life when all seemed perfect; when it seemed like all was magical and a simple smile did it; its often in our lives we don’t appreciate how valuable a simple innocent smile or laugh is; you have perfect teeth, healthy lips but you still hesitate to compliment it all with a smile so gentle and healing.

it heals wounded souls, broken hearts and rejuvenates our spirit; when you need someone to lift your spirit, look deep into the eyes of your beloved , your wife, husband or child; its amazing that even a baby of tender age can afford the simple smile;

search within your soul, go back in time and see the person you once knew, think of what made you smile, find this person you have since lost in the trials of life; find yourself, share this infectious phenomenon. It may be simple but it will go deep into the souls of others.

Don’t search too far, the joy you seek is right before your eyes, crack a smile tonight and when you wash your face in the morning think of the person who makes you smile, the one who can turn around even the most foul day into a simple joyous memory, that’s who you are….

Even an old man who has lost his teeth can afford to smile at the memories of his youth, his days are numbered, his energy is long gone, but you are young and healthy, you have won the battles in your life when you thought it was the end of the road, so please smile for the mystery of tomorrow may make you frown…

I smile to you tonight my dear reader; please pass on the warm spirit….come on you can do it; smile just a little more for me….:)


Anonymous said...

Here is a smile :-)

Anonymous said...

Along the smile,comes the look in our eyes that more often than note has a slightly different meaning.........
So my advice try to smile with our eyes shut when its not a genuine one.