Saturday 13 September 2008

in search of an answer

hello dear friends,

this is a personal not to welcome you to my blog. from the title of my blog, you can see its an invitation to share your thoughts with me. everyday we encounter events that get our attention, some of these occurrences have a lasting impact on our lives and some we may never recall.we meet people who say words that touch the depths of our souls, words that could upset our inner being....

for this reason i open the doors to my heart to everyone who is free to share what they think of at the beginning and the end of each day; every night before you lay to bed lets share a word or two, lets open our thoughts and hearts to each other, sharing all the positive and negative daily experiences in a thoughtful manner...

its my strong belief that there is always more to what meets the have to search within your soul and listen to what your heart is can never go wrong if you listen to your heart...

share your thoughts with me...........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Diana for putting up such a wonderful site for free expressions without fear or favor.
Life is really as amazing as it is flexible.
When we set achievable goals to ourselves and we accomplish them,there is a 'happy' feeling from inside us that gives us a reason to see another day.
The same feeling we get when we extend a helping hand to one who is in dire need.
Long live 'Share your thoughts with me!!!!