Saturday 13 September 2008



Finding the answer, at the end of the line;

When you lie down on solid ground;

Place your ears and listen to the ground talk,

Is this the answer that you seek?

The stars have gone out; will you still be shinning bright?

Search the whole world, whole life;

Search deeper no stones unturned

Find the answer you are desperate for;

Are you prepared to face the answer?

Its one of sorts, one of surprises

It may be painful; it may tear you apart;

Try on even though you may fall; find it

The rational explanation, what you seek for

It may help to change you;

The answer that may make you let go of what you have believed in;

Are you ready to let the door slam on your faith because of answer you have desperately searched for?

Is it worth it to find this truth you yearn for?

Seek the obvious, perhaps that’s where the quest ends;

Quest for the “answer”

Only then will your mind, soul and heart find rest;

When you find the answers you seek for…

Created by Diana …………………in a pensive mood.

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