Monday 15 September 2008


The strength to let go………

Ever wondered how to get back on your feet after a knock down from rejection;

The blow comes suddenly, catches you off guard. In the matters of the heart there are no time calculations to prepare you for the pain; It comes at a moment when your heart is in utopia, you care for him/her; perhaps you like him/ her; or even deeper, you love him/her;

You ask yourself, where do you find the strength and courage to walk the boulevard of broken dreams; at that moment you know you can’t change the course of events, it’s all in her/his power, you whisper a little prayer for the bad dream to go away, pinch yourself to wake up from this nightmare; tears fill up your eyes and your heart feels weary; she/he has cut a flower in the bud…

Where does the strength come from for the heart to light up again and beat like before; it was just few moments back that you were floating on air; your dream is gone; he/she is gone, slipped away through your fingers…cry tonight, cry the next night and find the strength to face another day. Life allows you to grieve but bear in mind that a broken heart will heal; a broken spirit has no remedy; try not to sink too low, hold on to a straw like a drowning man, the currents are too strong, currents of frustration, pain and broken dreams;

Tonight you are lost and don’t know where to start from, no light at the end of the tunnel, no warm embrace you had hoped for, she/he is gone. Sit down write down all the things that made him/her special on a sheet of paper; the things that made your heart beat for her/him; the dreams you once shared; strike a match and let the paper burn, watch the flames grow stronger and dimmer; that’s how your pain will be; it will be overwhelming and excruciating but it will dim down in time; your pain will melt away…

Cry tonight, whisper your frustrations to the wind close yourself in a dark room but wake tomorrow and see the open door before you. Find the strength to let him/her go. TRUE LOVE is one to let go and wish your loved one the best in all their endeavors…hold the handle to the open door before for the chance slips away. It may be a new phase to dream again…….

You find your healing; in the process of letting go… courageous…LET GO


Anonymous said...

Yes of course you are right, it will happen in time...

Anonymous said...

That strength comes from our ability to accept the reality and it varies from one person to the other since circumstances are different too........
Ideally the sooner it happens the better to enable both the aggrieved parties to see the other window of opportunity which never opens for too long.

Hans said...

Dear, this is a very good text! It expresses in a good way an experience and emotion we all have had in our life! One of the hardest and most painfull emotions we can have!
I agree with u about the ideas of the way to cope with it. And i want to add one idea: I think it helps a lot if we - despite of all the bad this experience means to us - also think of what good this experience is bringing us. I believe there is something good in all bad!
Maybe even in the end its all good, i am not sure.
Take Care