Monday 27 July 2009


The 7 DAYS newspaper screams the headline of a boy who wishes to give everyone a hug in the malls of Dubai. This struck me as odd just like anyone else in Dubai must have thought. It may appear as an insane thought, perhaps even outrageous to the conservative Muslim culture but in the human eye it’s a simple sign of affection. It’s the story of a young boy so tired of seeing sad, strained faces of the people around him. People going about their daily lives without love, affection and the easiest of all things.. A smile…

Why do I talk of this today/ simply because I search the faces of the people I encounter everyday and long to see the contentment in their eyes. Many of those I meet are on their hurried way to work, meetings, dates or even rendezvous.. So often those who smile, hide the sad streak in their eyes and keep appearances. No one to give them the affection they may need. They maybe married or single but this has become the order of the day. When husband and wife live in a “house but not a home”. Walk into the bedroom and no single sign of affection, which could simply be done in an embrace.

Not to be pessimistic and judgmental, I am sure there are those who practice this and couples who enjoy this blessing they possess each and every day of their lives. How simple the lock of an embrace is but quite a powerful tool to show love, goodwill and appreciation of those close to us. When we share this simple act we pass on the human warmth and optimism. To the young children it gives assurance that all will be fine even though there is little to be optimistic about in the current world..

When tears fill our eyes and we want to break down ; it may be clear that the answer is not nigh but the fact that we could genuinely feel the affection, assurance of someone close to us could actually heave the cloud of doubts in our heart and mind. It’s a simple act that would make a foreigner feel welcome in a strange land, open the hardened hearts and “brighten the sun”. The sun may shine high up above but few see the rays. It maybe bright outside but many have their blinds drawn. Why not open them up for them? Why not show them that it may not be so bad after all.

The young children have an amazing love, untainted, needing and unconditional. When they wish to share and spread this, what could bring better healing to a society of economic hardships, violence and speedy lifestyle? They nee someone to tell them STOP! Take time and feel what love could be like.. it simple warm, unconditional and always there just an arm length’s away..

Share the love , joy , acceptance, welcome and joy in the simple lock of an embrace….go ahead, try it see the smile that brightens the sun…

Monday 20 July 2009


Hearts, minds and intellectual beings that believe in us and trust our words, thoughts and actions are present in our daily lives. From the innocent mind of a child to wise mind of an elderly man, there are those who trust that the deposits we place in the basket of life is all of good intention. Some could trust us with their hearts, some their minds, finance and most importantly the benevolent child who has his life entrusted in you. The giving lover and partner who gives to you the most precious, their body joining in one with yours..

The news, stories milling around will tell you of how badly we abuse this privilege; betray trust, loyalty, love and abuser the lives of the young ones trusted to us. I am not saying all that we do is evil and that the deposits are foul but I would urge to you to think about it. What of the person who has given to you without holding back, what of the bank that has entrusted a loan to you and your child who solely depends on you? When we decide to intentionally abuse these privileges then how can we truly claim to love? We break families and leave young ones divided and lost; some go the extent of sexually abusing the innocent ones. Why do we place foul deposits in these new baskets?

A story of a shattered man, who took in all the lies he received form his partner, he assured his heart that these lies could actually be true. The promise of the wife to fight for their love and keep their marriage alive was all he needed to get by. He was yearning for her love, her company of deceit, living a lie each and every passing day. So thirsty was he for her presence in his life that he aided her in concealing a crime. He needed just an ounce of this poisoning love to keep him going for yet another day.

What am I driving at? We have business associates, partners, families and friends who rely on our every word with a hope that it will help them in achieving certain goal. Some rely on our company to make their day a, some need our love to lift them up each and every passing day. We all depend on each other in some way or another and how often do we take fore granted the small lies we tell to those close to us. We fabricate the truth to suit our own needs. Our self-centered thoughts take center stage and nothing else matters. What we give out is foul and unworthy, staining the baskets of those in need of it.

Do we realize how blessed we are to have someone care or rely on us. Someone give us their trust and could stand in our defense when we need so? We only give the undesired deposits. The color is dull, foul and un-pretty. But alas, what do we care? Take time and look into the eyes of the person you are bound to poison with your ill-intention/lie and feel the pain they are bound to feel when they discover you have betrayed their trust. It could be the business partner, your colleague, your child or even your partner.

It’s beyond any reasonable doubt that the foul deposit we place in their baskets will stain all the good deposits we had earlier placed. It’s all interdependent and rotates in a cycle. Is it not better to for them to have empty basket or half full basket of the worthy deposits than have full one of unworthy deposits from us?

For the heart that loves and trust like the man in my story, I encourage you to continue doing so for your beautiful souls renew the souls already tainted in the society that we live in. with your giving hearts and pure deposits you put in other people’s baskets, a new growth is realized and love is natured.

Bear in mind “A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world. Everyone you meet is your mirror.” Let’s fill these baskets with seeds of love…it starts with you and me… :)

Tuesday 14 July 2009


Listening to the CD of James Morrison “Undiscovered”, I feel a deep connection or perhaps I related to his words in a personal way. The words of his songs are well arranged and unlike banging music that goes in through one ear and out through the other, his words stay in mind and the tunes awaken life to the listeners.. What a talent!!

However, this is not what I intend to discuss today but rather I would like to explore the issue of playing on broken strings. Many a times we find ourselves enslaved by our desires or ambitions and even though the red signal may blink warning us of danger zone; we keep on walking. We are determined and believe that we can achieve all things with this determination. Well, few wise men in the past made us believe that we should never give up. But isn’t it a fact that if everyone could achieve what they wished for in this world then there would be chaos?

In the few years of my life, one point has been clear that our instincts will always guide us and tell us when to stop. When to know that this is a road not to be explored. There could be better alternate roads which are available to us only if we open our eyes. Even though we may wish to keep the rain from falling, we have to let it fall because it’s beyond our control. Any instrument that has strings needs two ends to make a connection and only when the connection between end A and B is done, can we really produce beautiful tunes, melody and music.

What am I getting at? Any relationship, friendship needs point A and B; it takes two to tango and when one end decides to leave there is no way you can create the wonderful tunes of love. No music will be produced and as the string slackens before it breaks, the sound is horrifying. In the same way when love is lost, trying to resurrect or force it through will only bring the unwanted results. The pain will be excruciating, words hurtful and the beautiful memories shared may be lost forever. Why not heed to the warning signs of our instincts, it will let us know when the string is broken.

The same may be to our dreams; some dreams may work but some may not work. The fear to accept and let go of the unfeasible dreams may overwhelm us but trust me, there are always other options. Promises may be broken but these certainly are the ones that were meant to be broken. There is a special power in letting loose and accepting, a liberation that you can’t stop certain events from occurring. The sun will shine, so will the moon and eventually we can not stop the rain from falling even though we may wish to…

Quit playing on broken strings, it may kill you desire to make the beautiful music of life…don’t try save stuff from the fire when there is nothing to save..running after the last train when its too late may leave you panting and breathless…. Feel the beautiful release of letting go….

Tuesday 7 July 2009

WHO WILL STAND?..........................................

Watching the MJ memorial last night, my mind lingered on the words that were said by those who knew him. For many, he was a hero, best performer, best friend and even king of pop. But the story that moved me most was the tears of a young child; a girl who had lost her father and even in the midst of all the press and celebrities and the world, she broke down and wept. She had lost a father, the only father she ever knew…

Why do I say this? In many occasions, we are misled by the world around us and the people we call friends (I am not against friendships) but do we really recognize the people who truly know us? Our friends may describe us as a strange person but those who know us by heart will understand that we are not strange; instead we have a lot of strange things and people to deal with. The world may consider us a personality but there are those who will see us as a person…

Which would you prefer? My question to you this morning is that when we die, who will stand to speak at our memorial? It may not be on a public podium but would it be a memorial of praise, beautiful words of poetry or even jokes? Or would it be one of celebration of a live fully lived? A life of rewards and givings? Would we have someone just break down to say “I love you”? Would they shed a tear and whisper “I will miss you”?

Even though we are over 6 billion in the world, do we recognize how lonely many are? We have a person inside of us who desires to live. A child in our hearts who wants to get out and be heard. We stifle the cries of this inner child in us as trash his/her innocence. In exchange for the quick passing dreams. How often do we overlook this aspect of our being and end up living a hopeless life. This child in us dreams and it’s only when we let these pure dreams come out, would we truly live…

I am not a wise woman and being a Christian, I understand the fact that in the eyes of God, human wisdom is mere madness. Everyday, I therefore pray to Him to grant me His wisdom and that I may live my life in this wisdom. Back to my theme for this morning; I hope in my heart that I have earned the love of people close to my heart. It doesn’t matter if they will stand at my memorial and say the beautiful words. It will not change the simple cycle of life but what would matter is that, “is the person standing up having my print in his/her heart”? Will they lack words and just weep to say they love me….

I am not trying to say that we all need to think of our memorials all the days of our lives. What I mean to say is that do we really hold and appreciate the people closest to us? Or do we live lonely lives in the crowd of over 6 billion people? Do we let the child in us come out alive? Whatever you choose to do today or for the rest of your life, I hope that you will have someone stand and whisper the words of love…

Who will stand?...................................

Sunday 5 July 2009


Today being the birthday of my closest friend and confidant, who I am also proud to have as a sister: I sat and thought of what was the best gift I could give her? What were the right words to say to her? How could I brighten her day? We live continents apart and my physical presence isn’t possible on this day even though deep inside I wish to tell her how proud I am of her, how much I love her..

Well, to many of you it may appear just as a simple sisterly love but I do not where to start or stop in describing her selfless love and care she has accorded to all of us. They say that in a family there is always one who bears the touch of an angel.. Well in my family as much all my other siblings are special to me; I could not find the best words to describe her but to say she was gifted with the touch of an angel.

Her soft spoken voice, quite firm but empathizes great deal. There were times when I needed a shoulder to cry on and she offered not only her shoulder but she also cried with me. In situations that I felt hopeless she encouraged and whenever necessary stood by my side till this period elapsed. She ran with us the race and at the end she was there to wipe the sweat from our faces. Not always is she soft but is ready to scold when needed.

I have been through tough times, during my studies and I made it through because she selflessly gave a lot to ensure I was strong all the way. I may never know the extent of her sacrifices and I may never be able to repay her for all her good deeds but what I can do today, is to write an open letter to my wonderful sister, Joy on her birthday…

For the times she stayed by my father’s sick bed, for the long tiring journey she made to see her sister’s on parents day. For the time she gave up her needs and wants to share with us what she had. For the bond she holds for Mboya’s family. The love she has given to our mother, in gifts and her gentle presence. She may not be perfect but I could never wish for a better sister. I may never say the most beautiful words and words may not be new…but this is the only tool that I have, words.. May God grant you many more anniversaries and who knows the words may be more special than today

Dearest sis, if there are other re incarnations after this life, may fate give me the gift of being close to you. May you always be the listener, comforter and welcoming person you have always been. The wonderful mother that you are , and a loving wife to keep your family strong and happy. You shared your bed and showed me your tears, you laughter healed a lot of my doubts.. I may never be able to stop writing but this day I pray that God grants you the wisdom to live through this life leaving prints in people hearts.. You may not be a famous celebrity but in my world you are more than a star..

I leave a light on for you in my life and heart… and on the days when your stars don’t shine so bright, take my candle, let it light the way. On the day you need a warm embrace, I will open my arms broad to give back what you have given to me all these years. When you are lost, I will be lost with you and together we will find a way. I may not be there always but I pray to God the father to keep you in His light and guide your path.. In these words I write an open letter of love to my dearest sister Joy…

Happy birthday………….