Wednesday 18 March 2009


The beauty of a beginning friendship is beyond description especially if the friendship is of a potential love story or marriage. Usually we live in bliss at these moments and we forget that we are simple human beings of different backgrounds and upbringings trying to forge a co existence. This isn’t easy because we have to blend our differences to create a harmonious union in the name of “friendship” or “marriage”. Well these two words have often been misused and many a times we have mixed up “unions of convenience” to the above mentioned two.

Don’t get me wrong I am not here to criticize the friends we have, I only wish to ask you to reflect on the persons beside you as you live through these “unions”, are they genuine? Are they the persons who would help you cross a bridge of raging rivers in your life and you the same to them? Would they stand by you as you fight to eliminate the elements of self pity, loss, pain and even insecurities in your life? The stormy times will come and doubts may assail but would be alone struggling to stand every time you fall? Would they be friends in the fields of sunflower where the sun glows and the radiance of the flowers fill your hearts with joy?

Tonight I am thinking on the values of these words and I focus on the bridges that we have to burn in our lives. Don’t they say that the bridges that we burn leave us lonely? What of instances when these bridges often lead to cross into unknown territories? Where we loose our selves in the name friendship? When the persons dear to us lead us into dungeons of self doubt, insecurities and low self esteem? What do you do when you feel the temptations to cross these bridges are overwhelming? You are addicted and you can’t see the other bridges around you. It flows through your blood like a drug. The ecstasy is gone but you force yourself to hope that this bridge will one day lead you the bliss you had at the first time you crossed it.

Well, I don’t mean to make it all look ugly but in my simple opinion, it’s worth burning this kind bridge. It’s worth letting go of this hope that you keep alive just so that you can go by another day. It’s not wrong to hope but perhaps you need to place your hope in the right baskets. You need to hope in something substantial or some one “substantial”. I’ll tell you how I do it; I place my hope in God and my eyes I lift to the heavens above. The search for earthly bridges can leave us worn out and tattered but remember any union done with good intentions and true spirit gives us the audacity to hope.

It all begins with us; can we be the bridges that truly lead our partners in these unions to the other side? A brighter side in which they hoped for and not let them loose faith? Think about it, I am not being idealistic but urging all my dearest readers, let’s tell ourselves the truth every time we lay to bed at night. You have a right to hope but when its time to let go and burn the bridge, take courage. The pain will come to pass and you will see the sun again…

You have the audacity to hope when the spirit is true… :)


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Bridges, we all have them.I personally have several bridges but more often than not they have caused me pain,hurt and disappointments.Sometimes I want to burn them but then my guts let me down or the hope in me tells me to hold on for the bridge will take me to the sweet heaven on earth but as you say, there is only one bridge thats for sure right though it also has its cross to carry,its the briddge called God.I dont know what this life has in store for me and you but what i know is that with the right set of mind we can cross all bridges in our lives and with courage and deep,sufficient conviction we can also burn the unworthy briges cause if its not worthy then its also not worth our time or worring over it.Life is a one way road so we have to make it right as we go since there is no turning back,it doesnt help.This article has touched me.May you have the intelligence to choose the right bridge to cross.