Tuesday 10 March 2009

SIMPLE JOYS..............

Today I am reminiscing on the different characters of people I have encountered in my life. Right from kindergarten to high school. Wow, so many characters and each one of them influenced my life in one way or another. Some in a negative way and some in positive way. I remember the bullies I encountered on my walks back home and in school, how much I feared and thought they were like a small god to be worshipped. I believe many of us have encountered people in our lives who held a key to certain aspects of our lives. As much I believe that this should not be the case, sometimes we meet people who just by a word make us loose or boost our self esteem.

These persons may appear in form of crushes, friends or loved ones along the way. How often when we have persons in our lives that we dress, smile and do a lot to impress? It’s painful but it’s a reality. It may not last all our lives long but for the period it lasts, they hold a key in certain aspects of our lives. Recently I got an inspiration to write few notes on someone who has impacted my life in the recent past, I wanted to express in the simplest words what the person had seen me through. When I shared my wish with the persona, the response I got made me loose all the words I could think of. I lost the desire to share with the world what I had inside on this particular personality. It was in the simple word that I got in response that made me slip away from the flow of words in my heart.

What I mean to say is that these people will always be there and while they last we have to find a way of not making them a center of our lives. I may sound mean but it’s not the case; it may sound an easy step to do but it isn’t. The first step I believe is to first search inside of us to find the need that dwells in us. This need is the key to making our lives easier. It could be a need to look beautiful in the eyes of this person, perhaps we want to look smart; perhaps outstanding… in most cases we will find that needing a person is poisonous but instead we should be just as simple as we are. Show our true beauty to the world, blossom in the spring and let our colors shine bright. Only this way we will catch the eye of the persons dear to us and the world at large…

Likewise I realized that my search for inspiration was in vain since it’s a seed in me, it’s growing in my heart and I could only nourish it in the simple joys. Chasing waterfalls would drown me or cause my spirit to fade and my inspiration may die out. From the gentle smile of the guard at the office building this morning, to the simple laugh is shared with the shop attendant at my work place, I realized my joy is complete. These people may never get close to know who I am but their smiles and greetings made me smile and feel warm inside. This is where we should search for impact, the simple joys around us, this joy is God given. People who impact our lives will come and go but what matters is the joy and peace that dwells inside.

Find it in the simple things around you, from the smile and laughter of a small child, to the greetings of a stranger in the street; how often do we overlook the rivers and streams hat flow gently in our lives instead we chase the waterfalls?..try it, its all in the simple joys before our eyes………impact the world around you with the simple joy, trying to live for someone else is like chasing your own shadow.

Guess what, you will never catch it your shadow)……………………………..


Anonymous said...

I totally agreee with you.Happiness is not found in the big things n life but the small things that we often not see or we dont value.Happiness is in our hands and not in someelse but most often we let other people determine when we should smile or laugh.Everthing in this beautiful world starts with us,if its joy we want we have to fill ourselves with joy first.Each day is an oppotunity to be happy and joyful and so we should not let the chance pass as by because we are too busy trying to please someone who doent see, fell ao appreciate what we do.It takes a smile to untie a soul bound with sorrow.

Diana said...

thank you for sharing your thoughts, the joy is indeed in us..deep inside us and we need to take time to listen to out inner selves...