Monday 2 March 2009


Thoughts run on the insecurities we face as human beings; the thought of always having someone better than you, someone taking your place in a given aspect of your life.our spirits get crushed and often feelings of anger, hatred, envy and jealously crowd our hearts. As if not enough, we feel timid, huddle ourselves to a corner and watch all unfold before our eyes helpless. I would be surprised if someone told me they never went through this kind of situation in their lives…

How often do we take fore granted of the fact that there will always be someone better than us? Someone with greater talents, beauty and perhaps character than ours. This feeling however has a “pass it on”effect and every time we meet someone better than us, someone somewhere feels the same about us. Why do we stare at our neighbor’s meat and forget our own meat frozen in our refrigerators? Human heart knows no satisfaction and pride has often weakened our sound judgment. Alas, I am not here to criticize anyone but rather discuss this issue of feeling not good enough.

We may hurt this night and feel timid.. It will hurt to see that someone can do what we did in a much better way. Perhaps in love, somebody could love the person we love in a better way. The pain and doubt can be searing, cold and so real. But how long will we dwell in this state of loosing. Gaping, mouth open at the barbecue in our neighbor’s yard. Looking over the fence, looking back, looking sideways…hold it! You were meant to look forward that’s why you have your eyes ahead, the neck may turn but not for long…

You may wonder why I write this today; and it may appear as if I have it all figured out but no! I walk each and every day with a knowledge that someone will always be better than me; but I choose to dwell on the thought that I am unique in a given way.. Someone close to me shared with me her fears that being in a relationship has killed her self esteem. When I enquired why? The answer made me realize that often we stay with other persons believing that we couldn’t do better. Hmmm…perhaps for convenience. She was sad each and every time they went out to social places with her partner because there would always be ladies, dressed better than her, with sweeter smiles that hers, with better accessories than her. What makes it worse is that her partner would lust tongue out after this women.

How sad such a situation is but in my young opinion, I believe that I would rather be alone at these social gatherings than stand beside such a person; in our lives we all have our places, we have persons who will accept as we are and even help us come up to a level higher. But don’t you think it all starts with humility, empathy and genuine care?

I ask my self this question this morning, and I know that I will not stare at the other side of the fence..My place is right here….around me are the people I choose to dwell amongst….try it...

It’s called self acceptance…

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