Saturday 25 October 2008


Being ill this week made me loose my mood, feel extremely exhausted and lonely. I complained within me and lamented to the flu that was tormenting my body and spirit. However, the news I got in the middle of the week made me stop and think twice. Here I was complaining to a sickness that could be cured and yet there were people who wished to hear the magical word “cure”…

How about those people who had been diagnosed with terminal illness, the people who had been advised by the doctors to get their stuff right? When the doctor shrugs his shoulders in defeat. I think of these people tonight. When you know that every day you live the alien in your system makes your body decay. Brings your immunity to its knees. If you have children you have to start saying goodbye and getting them ready for your absence.

When you know that the sunsets and sunrises draw you closer to the end of your journey. How hard it is to reconcile with this fact. It’s a tough call that demands a lot of courage and strength. And every step of the way is taken with a lot of effort. But they should not loose faith because however painful it may be they have the privilege to prepare their loved ones and reconcile to the lives they have lived.

I was watching an episode of” EXTREME HOME MAKEOVER” tonight and I was especially touched by the strength the woman whose home had been re-made had despite having cancer at 3rd stage. She had no regrets for the life she had lived, no regrets for the man that stood beside her, held her hand, she was not worried of leaving her kids behind because to her every moment she had spent with them would last her a lifetime. She trusted that the love they shared would get them through the tough times yet to come and her smile was amazing.

This is just an example of how life turns out to be when we live every moment to the fullest and with thanksgiving in our hearts. How many times do we tell the people we love how we feel, do we hold them like it would be our last time? To our children do we set the best examples for them to emulate when we are gone? In the midst of pain, love is all the matters. It will make us soar in the wings of an eagle and run like wild horses…

Therefore for those who have curable illness ( I don’t mean to look down on any illness), you have no right to complain, bare it bravely and think of it as a time when your body needs to get to the other face of life. For those who dread the word terminal take heart for the creator of all may have a different course for you.

Remember seek the Lord and you will find him and he will save and heal you……

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its always good to live everyday like its our last so that we have no regrets and those that may remain behind or leave us behind rest in peace.