Friday 3 October 2008



Some days in our lives we feel that we can’t fight the pressure anymore. We run short of supplies for courage, strength and tolerance. Exhaustion sets in and loneliness clouds our vision. Comes a time when we feel lonely and yet we are not alone. We have friends around us…what can one do when his/her heart is tired and the emotional baggage is too much around them.

How can you be strong for your friends and family when you are running out of strength yourself? Questions arises of “who cures the doctor?”. When you feel you can’t be strong any longer, it’s alright to break down; it’s alright to let the people around you know the trouble of your soul. No need to play brave, no need to play wise, no need to be a hero…

Take time to heal, find a retreating point and get inside you and search yourself. Listen to your inner you and communicate to him/her. Nourish your inner self and in this way you will be healed again…

It’s alright to feel exhausted; you can not always be strong……..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I know what you mean. I need a retreat like the one you had this week.