Tuesday 14 October 2008


Sitting in my hotel room I begin to imagine how life is in fact similar to a hotel room in many ways. Life is constant motion and things change; we meet different people; experience rough times ; people come and leave our lives; many times they leave a mark and sometimes their presence go unnoticed; to some people we are the perfect friends but to some we still need to be polished out. If you keenly compare above to a hotel room; you realize that it faces the same. Good to bad inhabitants; people walk in and out of the rooms; some leave it in a good state as it was before, their presence un noticed whereas some cause significant damage hence leaving a mark; some think it was the best room whereas some wish for a better suite.

The most remarkable thing is that the room stays to serve all kind of guests; as others leave others walk in to the same refreshed room ( I admit, they are thoroughly cleaned); the rooms serve them just as the previous guests perhaps even better. You may wonder why I compare life to a hotel room but I realize that it shows how strong we can be and how better we can embrace life.

Many times we complain, searching for better conditions in our lives but what of if we could embrace change; why can’t we be ready to accept the different phases in our lives as part of the constant motion? Why must we always look for an explanation or excuse? All we need is a good clean up for our next encounter and warmly embrace the next phase of our life. It may be painful, may not be what we expect but change is a good as a rest;

At this point I remember a phrase that has stuck in my memory for a while now and it seems to taking center in my life “ NEVER SETTLE FOR THE PATH OF LEAST RESISTANCE” embrace life as tough as it may be who knows what tomorrow brings?

Always remember that today’s sunset paves way to tomorrow’s sunrise; so is life, today’s pain paves way to tomorrow’s joy…

“Become a hotel room “ Embrace change……

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thats a lovely one dear. keep it up and God bless you.