Saturday 27 December 2008


Feeling dwells in me, wraps itself in every nerve;

Wonderfully scripted in every note of the rhythm my heart plays;

A feeling gentle and yet consuming;

My soul welcomes this warm glow in me;

It settles like a mantle in the depths of my heart;

The golden rays of the feeling so wonderful glow in me;

These rays are reflected in every smile;

In every word I say to him;

Words of music and poetry dwell in my thoughts…

His hand is gentle, his stare is deep;

His eyes are searching, reading every script of my heart;

He knows my every thought, feels what I need;

In the silence our hearts engage in dialogue;

Dialogue of their own language;

He feels and I feel it;

This is the language of love……

Language that man can not decipher;

It knows no race, age, height or size;

When it’s true and pure, only hearts can speak;

Word of mouth can not speak this language so simple;

So simple and yet rare to find hearts that understand it..

This is what our hearts say….

Feeling so gentle even when in flames….

Let the feeling grow, let it be……

You have no say in this;

Final word comes from the heart;

“Love”, “amour”, “mapenzi”…

Whatever the language the word of mouth calls it;

Only hearts understand it…


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