Sunday 14 December 2008

Seeing is believing…..

Thinking on the subject “credit cards”….often when I visit malls I see many people swapping their credit cards for the huge and in most cases unbudgeted purchases. Over a conversation with an acquaintance of mine today, I realize that often people don’t realize the trick behind electronic money. How simple the theory is and yet we fail to realize this and fail to control our appetites….

Have you ever thought of trying a simple experiment during shopping? Identify what you really want you to buy and instead of using your card, present hard cash. How does it feel to let go of the huge amount of cash for something we can live without? You will suddenly realize how much you spend in your purchases. When you swap your card, it feels more like a gift, “electronic money”…

Don’t get me wrong, I am not condemning credit cards even though I am not a firm believer of them. I am simple advising “us” to restrain from wishing for what we don’t have, to plan and use our resources wisely. There are times when credit cards will be needed, but why don’t we keep them for these moments?

Let’s try to live by our mean and for those who have no credit cards or credit card debt, I congratulate you for that. For those who have 10 credit cards in your wallets, work on getting red of the nine. Keep one for a rainy day..

You will realize that my argument is based on common sense and many of the financial persons may disagree but think wisely…spend the hard cash and you will believe….

For seeing is believing….

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