Sunday 18 January 2009


There comes a time in life when we have no control over the spider’s web in our lives. We get to a point when we give in our all and we are at the mercy of the person who has our heart. They are the ones in charge of weaving of the web which could accommodate you and one which could be too small for you. This person holds the thread to weave, he knows the design, and he/she knows the colors to add. You are not included in the process.

How lonelier can it get when you have no voice in the decision being made over your life and feelings. It hurts sometimes and sometimes you want to give up and walk away (which in most cases is the wise thing) but your heart wants to stay to fight for another day.

I am talking about loving someone, who doesn’t feel the same way or did but decides to pull back. Your mind races on the time you spent together, the words said which raised your hopes. Yes, it’s a pain worth going through because it refines you, models your thinking and perhaps makes you stronger and ready for heart breaks at any time of your life.

There was a time they needed you, when they requested for your presence but now tables are turned. The words you say could push them further away and every call you make may crowd them. I am not trying to make you have self pity if you are in such a situation but I am trying to give you an assurance that you are not alone. Take heart, today you may not have the thread to weave the web with him/her, to hold their hands when the weaving needle pricks their fingers.

Today to have no place in this web but remember you have a place to start weaving your own beautiful web. It maybe lonely to do so but in your web, you can add the colors you desire to have, you can paint it with the colors of the rainbow. The design is yours and nobody can take it away. Get a hold of your tools and start weaving again, step by step make it a home for you and tell your heart its gonna be alright…

Weave on my dearest reader….weave on…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Weaving alone is hard....