Monday 1 March 2010


Tread carefully, cautiously, definitely, meticulously;
Words to define how well do it the next
Ones to depict the gravity of the next mistake
Words spoken to a heart, to try and explain
Make it see the gravity of clueless emotions
Solemnly said and in the softest of whispers
Words to an adamant heart

A heart that loves when should not
One that listens not to the counsel of mind
Adamant heart loves once again
Words not adhered to, coaxing was futile
It treads to the grounds of potential pain
Imminent heartache and avoidable bruises
Words were spoken, of how a heart should make next move
Dissuasion was futile, a heart so adamant

What words should be used, to speak to this heart
Communication that only it fathoms
Mind has tried, sent signals of danger
For it to tread carefully, meticulously, cautiously
Tread definitely next time around in love
Alas! Fruitless to say
Adamant heart heeds not……….

by diana

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