Saturday 20 March 2010


For the first time in a long while, I sat down and search for my high school friends on the social network, FACEBOOK. I read on their lives and read through their status’ history. Nostalgia shot through my vein, intoxicating every nerve of me like a drug. I never realized how much I had missed them and how time has changed each and every one of them. One of the profiles that touched my heart is that of my high school best friend. A girl I loved with all my heart and was close to me like my sister. The relationship between us went sour and she turned her back on me and never wanted to hear anything about me in any way.

Back then I accepted her wishes and walked away but on looking at her profile this evening, I felt pain of a love once lost. We shared a lot and I believe no romantic love could compare to a friendship so divine. Well, I am not a stalker and I thought of adding her as my friend but I hesitated. Would she ever accept me back? How could I get myself to say, I am sorry? “I messed up.” “I hurt you.”I have missed a huge part of her life and she has been hardened over time, with a family of her own. I battle with thoughts in my mind; should I say I am sorry? And if I do, for what reason am I sorry for? Does she remember our friendship at all? Our laughter and secrets? Perhaps she does but would she listen to what I have to say?

To some it may seem simple and may advise me, “You never know until you try”. But the fact is that I am a coward today. I couldn’t stand her rejection once more. She was my best friend and as I scroll through to other high school friends, my heart aches. She may have needed my support over the years but I was never there. She is one soul I let down in my life.

Why am I talking about this evening? Well, I urge you to take the opportunity while you have it. When you have the chance to say “I am sorry”, “I love you”, I miss you” and show the ones you love that you care, it will be the wisest thing to never let this chance pass you by. I may have gone out of her life and it’s my loss but I pray to God to keep her and give her better friends than I ever could be.

I brace for what the future brings and focus on the friendships that life will bring my way. To love my friends with a heart that’s true. Thank you FACEBOOK, I am a critic of your influence on people’s lives but today I learnt a priceless lesson in my hour of walking down the memory lane.

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