Tuesday 4 August 2009


In the past days I have found myself smiling, giggling and even breaking into peels of laughter. The most alarming thing is that I do it even when I am alone in at home.. I know what some of you are thinking…”she is nuts!” well, you are entitled to your own opinion but my reason for these episodes has been very simple. I am happy from the memories I relive daily. There are times when you sit trying to find a peace of haven but a distant memory floats into thought. For many they prefer to dwell in the sad memories but somehow for me, my mind chooses to dwell on the good ones.

From the frog dancing my mum showed me when I was a child, to the booty dance of my younger sister Susan and not to forget the hilarious comments of my wise dad. It doesn’t end there,; the falling off the quads bike in the desert and laughing it over, even to the naughty thoughts over the coffee table while with a friend of mine…. Not to forget the very first episode when I saw my elder sister drunk (forgive me big sis). Even though she may not remember me holding her hand and taking her to bed, I could never forget the hilarious phrases and words she did at this moment, her hearty laughter at her staggering walks …These memories, I may not list them all this morning but they float and color my heart, thoughts and moods. I smile brightly or even laugh heartily when I relive these moments….

The most important thing is the people who shared it with me. They may be far away from me today but I realize they live in me, within my endless thoughts. For many it may appear strange but for me it’s a state of mind that I would not wish to loose. Even when the miles and obstacles of time set in, these moments and more to come remind me of a time under the sun when I laughed and I was jolly..

I earnestly hope that they think about me too; my family, friends and I don’t wish for them to have negative thoughts of our time together.. They should always live in the gay moments we shared together. For the days when I smile even though alone, I owe it to you. And moments will come when I am low and drained.. I will simply switch to the moments when I laughed, the days when I did embarrassing things, those times when I went beyond my skin…

To all the people who have given these days, thank you and I hope to share many more days knowing you.. Creating “the days which we will live to remember”…..

Creating the memories of us………………..

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