Sunday 14 June 2009


Last evening after my evening jog and exercise, I sat in the garden in front of my building trying to catch my breath and to think on certain happenings in my life in the recent past. I have complained, lamented and many of the things that don’t seem to go right for me. To be honest I got sick and tired of listening to my complaints, to my friends, myself and I felt this negativity slowly took away the bright smile I had on my face.

While sitting on the bench I opened a conversation with the night guard and I honestly spoke to him on what bothered me hoping for answers I thought I needed. But his response drew me further to a pensive mood. I realized so often we take fore granted the fact that we could afford to live in comfort, that we had food on the table, luxury of speaking to our loved ones just at the press of a button. What of the dental procedures we do on the teeth when someone had no money to remove an aching tooth? When he had to use a spanner and vodka to remove his tooth in the accommodation he lived in? What of the guy who had no money for bus fare and had to walk under the scorching sun just to send the little he had to his loved ones back home. On the news today, a woman died of starvation after delivering twins…I am not trying to make you feel guilty but juts to think of the luxury you have of reading a blog on the net…

To the man who left his infant child with a hope for a better life in the UAE only to find the scorching sun was all he could find. But even under the scorching sun he still managed to afford a smile and quote optimistically, “lucky me I can see the sun, I can feel it on my skin and the glow of the sky just makes me grateful to be alive today” I thought I had suffered or gone through hardships but I realize life has been kind to me, more than I realized it was.

Isn’t this an example of a heart that’s true? Not to forget, the day when I saw a guy in a luxurious car stop and give money to a poor laborer who was almost fainting under the scorching sun. The cheerful giver did not wait for a “thank you” but hoped the money he had given this guy would help him meet his next need. I went on a pensive mood which is not new to me and spoke to my inner self. Why was I troubled within me, what did I let pessimism take over my thoughts? Given that I live in apt 508, I had though pessimistically that (5+0+8=13(unlucky number)) but yesterday evening I saw that it was (8-0-5=3(my lucky number))…..

I have no right to be negative and the next time this feeling comes, I will replay the talk I had with the night guard. He turned something in my heart, drew a tear to my eye, even though none fell, I realized that there were true hearts under the scorching sun of Dubai…...........

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