Monday 22 June 2009


This morning on my drive to work I was thinking on the why we have bad experiences, or face misery, pain, confusion, ache and all the negative events that impact our lives. I am not a wine taster but I thought of a friend of mine is a self proclaimed wine taster. For those of you who know me, are well aware that I know nothing about alcohol given that I don’t take any… but out of curiosity I once asked how he knew that this was a good wine. His answer was simple, I tasted bad ones before and so I know a good one when I taste one….

Hmm.. isn’t life the same way? How would you know true joy when you never faced deep pain? How would you recognize a sincere smile when you never saw a frowning face? How would know a true heart when you never knew a deceptive heart?... how can you know true love when you never encountered the wrong kinds of loves and relations? Life is like the science of wine tasting. Some aspects of our lives just like wines are meant to be sipped, drank and some spilled out of our lives due to their foulness…

I am not saying I have it all figured out but in my opinion when going through the pain and cloudy moments of our lives, let’s be still and recognized the aspects that make these moments be what they are. In the this state of stillness we retreat to that part inside of us that allows us to see our inner self and recognize what we really are feeling. When we do so, we will be able to recognize when the better times come knocking. We can be at ease to enjoy both good and bad aspects of our lives knowing that tomorrow is a better day. Tomorrow the wine may be the best and we may actually drink it..

For those of us going through divorce, we must be optimistic that tomorrow we will be able to build the right marriage; those with broken hearts, its beyond any reasonable doubt that the next partner could be the right one for you.. When you get fired or loose your job today, put a smile on your face, it may be the opportunity to belong with the right company next…

It’s hard I believe and hard work is entailed , but we have all been there and we will all be there so don’t despair, face your fears and insecurities, for the wise men once said “courageous people go to the places where they fear most- that’s where their power awaits them”

Go ahead, taste the wines… each and every one of them but settle only for the best :)

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