Saturday 30 May 2009


Have we ever been faced with times in our lives when we can not stop ideas, thoughts from running in and out of minds. Some of the thoughts bring you hope but most of them wear you down. Your mind gets curious and goes on rampage trying to figure out what the hidden answers could be? You try to sleep but the morning dawns and your soul is upset..your soul is troubled within you and your personality is slowly distorted or you become erratic?

I am not trying to describe beginning of madness, I believe I am trying to find the best way to learn to let go of dreams, wishes and plans that we come to realize are not feasible. I believe this is the beginning of the internal turmoil because when we don’t let go, we start to search for justification as to why certain unfeasible dreams deserve to live on.

It could be a failed love affair, marriage , job aspiration or even a failed holiday plan. The minute we hold on to something that is already lost, our mind tries to find the better option or other way out. In some cases these options have led us to success but is it worth the time, resources and energy? We keep climbing this hill where as it may be just a grain of sand. We convince ourselves that this is it and so much time is lost , something that we will never get back.

Would it not be much better if we could make each moment count because that is all we have. why do we chase after waterfalls? Why do I talk about this today? Last week, I had breathing problem and thought I had developed asthma but when I visited the doctor, she counseled me and advised me to let go of the tension in my mind and heart… all my vitals were fine and my physical exam excellent (Thank God)..

I went home a troubled soul, could this be what they call stress? I had no idea I was stressed, I try to live a healthy life but I was wrong, big time wrong…this was the result of the rain in my mind, the rain of thoughts, something that is good but can get very toxic…

Tonight I urge you take joy in the simple joys of life, the moments we have today and let go of the waterfalls.. when the rain comes, let the rainbow in your heart remind you of when its time to let go.

1 comment:

joylennox said...

Diana,its true how we often cloud our minds with so much ending up with the feeling of helplessness.
lets all try to avoid what we can and pray for acceptance fo r that which we cannot change.
Lov Always
Keep up the good work dear!!!