Monday 4 May 2009


Through the hospital blinds, I see faces, expressions of despair of worry and perhaps for some of the faces it’s fatigue. The road has been too long and the baggage of life is wearing them down, for the young ones, some may be bearing the baggage handed down from their ancestors. They are all strangers to me and the breathing masks over the noses of most of them shows that they are in need of someone to send them just an ounce of strength to breathe again. Tears roll down my face as I walk through the corridors of this hospital, it’s a place that you see the once strong body of a man, woman or child become fragile and in some cases lifeless..

The times now make the matter grave; the stifle tears at the corners of their eyes or the line of worry on the loved ones beside their beds tell it all. Who knows what will become of their loved ones. How often do we take fore granted that we have the gift to breathe; the gift to see the sun shine bright and see the blue sky. The strength in our feet can help us move to see the end of our daily road. Do we ever stop to think what if the next minute our feet will fail us? What if the air we breathe was suddenly taken away or made foul. When we have to gasp and struggle to fuel our lungs with oxygen?

As I walked further the corridors I think on if I tell the people close to me how much they mean to me everyday. Do I take this fore granted? When my strength fails me, will I have someone by my bedside to hold my hand? Would the person choose to be there or do it by obligation? When we love, do we do it unconditionally? Our hearts are free and so is our will, what choice do we make today? Self gratification and indulgence? Why don’t we reach out to share the strength we have with those that need it. The person may be a stranger but the heart knows no stranger. A simple smile I share with the man who lay frail on his sick bed, made me realize that I didn’t have to have the money, or material stuff to make someone’s world better.

I have a powerful gift, the gift to make someone’s day brighter, and the gift to be able to share my strength and hold someone’s frail hands. Give a gentle hug of assurance. What more do I need when I don’t the financial capabilities to waive their imminent bills, unpaid mortgages or loans? Today, I make a simple vow in my heart, to try and make someone’s day better, to smile even when I am on the verge of tears, the smile maybe cracked but for someone who needs it, it maybe just the hope for another chance. For someone who gasps for air, I will say a gentle prayer to the giver of live to breathe life into their hearts….

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