Saturday 31 January 2009

One step back…

Often we reach at a point in our lives when we come to sudden realization that the dream we held on to for so long is unattainable. Perhaps so much time has been wasted; perhaps not all the resources were allocated wisely. The pain, regret and wish to be in control of time flood our minds; clouding our reasoning abilities.

The question is clear; how do we get on with life? How do we accept the situation as it is? Well don’t get me wrong I am not advising you to give up your dreams. Neither am I saying that letting go is the easiest thing to do. All I am saying is that we may come to suddenly realize what we dreamt about is not feasible. The main point today is that how do we get back to re prioritize our dreams? How do we accept and let go when the time is right?

With my little experience in life; I would confidently say that it all starts with baby steps; starts with one small step but hold it! Baby steps are usually towards the mother or father, a sense of hope. In this case I would advise you on one of the hardest things to do, take the step backward. Moving away from the dream. You don’t have to set yourself any targets; you have to take it easy. Don’t rush it for Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Let’s take a more vivid example; you had a dream of being with someone perhaps for life but this dream partner is suddenly taken away from you or he/she marries another. You know that you have no chance to achieve your dream but the pain could cloud your ability to see this clearly. We must realize that life has to go on and the only way is to start step by step in the opposite direction. If you used to call her/him everyday, do it once in every 2 days; if you had a picture of her/him by your beside, keep it away. Tears may fall as you do this; your heart may tear apart as you try to recover but how many lost dreams were the resurrections to new ones? Hundreds!

With every closing door in our lives, opens a new long will the new ones be open? Nobody knows but I am confident that there are better dreams to dream; there is hope to discover the real dream. There is a chance to redeem the lost moments only in a new setting. This needs you to be brave, with every backward step you take; you come to face to face with the dreams you overlooked while you on the chase for the unattainable…

Pray for wisdom to see this. Pray that you may see the options that life sets for you today. Step by step…..only the direction is reverse….


சிம்ம‌பார‌தி said...

nice one... keep posting..

Raja @ Narasimmaraja, dubai

Diana said...

thank you Raja, i appreciate your encouragement...