Saturday 27 December 2008


Feeling dwells in me, wraps itself in every nerve;

Wonderfully scripted in every note of the rhythm my heart plays;

A feeling gentle and yet consuming;

My soul welcomes this warm glow in me;

It settles like a mantle in the depths of my heart;

The golden rays of the feeling so wonderful glow in me;

These rays are reflected in every smile;

In every word I say to him;

Words of music and poetry dwell in my thoughts…

His hand is gentle, his stare is deep;

His eyes are searching, reading every script of my heart;

He knows my every thought, feels what I need;

In the silence our hearts engage in dialogue;

Dialogue of their own language;

He feels and I feel it;

This is the language of love……

Language that man can not decipher;

It knows no race, age, height or size;

When it’s true and pure, only hearts can speak;

Word of mouth can not speak this language so simple;

So simple and yet rare to find hearts that understand it..

This is what our hearts say….

Feeling so gentle even when in flames….

Let the feeling grow, let it be……

You have no say in this;

Final word comes from the heart;

“Love”, “amour”, “mapenzi”…

Whatever the language the word of mouth calls it;

Only hearts understand it…


Wednesday 17 December 2008


I was wondering today at the number of road incidents in the UAE whereas the road conditions are excellent in comparison to the roads in Africa, Kenya to be exact. The roads here are very well maintained, new and more or less on flat ground. I guess the UAE road users would never believe the winding roads of Switzerland and yet the accident rates are minimal.

I am not saying the sole reason for safety on the road is the condition but what I wish to discuss tonight is “pot holes”. Wooow!! My country Kenya has them! At a face value we may complain and say how this damages our cars and makes driving and uncomfortable and I agree. Many would say that the bends and turns on the winding roads of Switzerland kill the joy of speed and makes driving less thrilling…

We all have our excuses but let’s look at the positive side of things; when we drive through a pot hole, we are obliged to slow down and drive carefully because we never know the size of the hole. This gets worse especially when it rains and the holes are filled with water. The winding roads have the same effect and we have to slow down on the narrow bends and show extra care…

Wondering where this is leading? Think about it. Isn’t life the same way? Let’s take problems/troubles, stumbling blocks and pain. The effect is the same. When we go through the “potholes” in our lives, we are forced to slow down and tread carefully. The journey is unpleasant and we often complain. But lets think about the simple fact that when the life goes on so fast like it does in the current world; we need the potholes, we need the bends and turns to slow us down and bring us to our senses.

We may pick up speed but once we are aware of the fact that the road has potholes, we will drive carefully as we watch for the next one. If we are going through a tough time tonight, tread carefully and just like a pot hole, it will come to pass but be sure there will be another one..

It amazing how time flies but we must remember that behind the wheel is “you”. God has given you a wonderful gift of time and he has likewise offered to be with us throughout the flight/drive…

Even at the potholes of life we have the road engineer/life(time) giver….. how good can it get?

Sunday 14 December 2008

Seeing is believing…..

Thinking on the subject “credit cards”….often when I visit malls I see many people swapping their credit cards for the huge and in most cases unbudgeted purchases. Over a conversation with an acquaintance of mine today, I realize that often people don’t realize the trick behind electronic money. How simple the theory is and yet we fail to realize this and fail to control our appetites….

Have you ever thought of trying a simple experiment during shopping? Identify what you really want you to buy and instead of using your card, present hard cash. How does it feel to let go of the huge amount of cash for something we can live without? You will suddenly realize how much you spend in your purchases. When you swap your card, it feels more like a gift, “electronic money”…

Don’t get me wrong, I am not condemning credit cards even though I am not a firm believer of them. I am simple advising “us” to restrain from wishing for what we don’t have, to plan and use our resources wisely. There are times when credit cards will be needed, but why don’t we keep them for these moments?

Let’s try to live by our mean and for those who have no credit cards or credit card debt, I congratulate you for that. For those who have 10 credit cards in your wallets, work on getting red of the nine. Keep one for a rainy day..

You will realize that my argument is based on common sense and many of the financial persons may disagree but think wisely…spend the hard cash and you will believe….

For seeing is believing….

Saturday 13 December 2008

A BIRD IN HAND...........

Lately I have been speaking to married couples and most of them have a negative view on marriage. Many of the people I spoke to regardless of the duration of co habitation, never said a positive side of being married. This leaves me wondering if man will ever be in a position to shed his nature of always seeking what’s beyond reach. Some seek perfection, some seek “better partners”, and some seek the reasons why they can’t be happy. all in all our nature on not appreciating the beautiful bird we have at hand and always seeking the two in the bush is not easy to get rid of..

Let’s get this straight; I am not a relationship therapist but I like to reason with the simple facts before my eyes. When two people decide to live together and create a family, they come from different backgrounds, up bringing, belief and even though they may have common beliefs and love, the bottom line is that these two people decide to join as one. It’s not an easy task. It’s a task that will need assimilation into each others lives and tradition, means compromise and above all it means they stop acting as individuals in the eyes of the society. They become one.

It’s not easy to compromise and it’s not easy to give in unconditionally and stop thinking of self. But do we think of these factors when choosing our partners? Do we seek guidance (for some people it’s from God, some Allah), learn from our past experiences and find out what we really want in a partner?

At the end of it all we make decisions and we become part of other people’s lives and future. We could either break them or build them. Trust me its much fulfilling to build someone than to break them. To see a spark and smile in the eyes of your beloved is a fulfillment of its own kind.

For the people who are married and have made the decision to be part of other people lives, think of the things that made you love your partners and work to keep them alive. Work to build the man or woman who stand s beside you; work to make the person who wakes beside you smile; times when it’s not a bed of roses, talk about it…. Don’t seek what is lurking outside in the bush..

A bird in hand is the gift you have today; don’t let it go…….