Tuesday 18 May 2010


The other day I had a chat with a friend of mine on the etalon of beauty for women displayed on the tabloids and press. He spoke of his dream woman; how she should look, how she should dress and the dimensions of her body. He drew me a mental picture of a woman I had seen in the movies, journals and magazines. The woman who seemed to have it all perfect and in place. To summarize, he spoke of her as having a banging body like Demi Moore at her late forties.

I have nothing against these gorgeous women and I very much admire them. But the point I am trying to bring forth is that, did anyone see them before they hit fame? Who was beside them when they wore braces? When they couldn’t afford a decent college education? When GUCCI and DOLCE&GABBANA was a distant dream to them? That’s where my point lies. They are simple women just like the women in your kitchen, office and in your lives.

I challenged my friend to do an experiment on his girlfriend and see if she doesn’t match up to the beauties on the TV sets as we see them. He complained of her dressing style, perfume and even her hairstyle. Yet he over indulged himself in items of luxury whereas the woman who stood by him, went on dry. My point this morning is simple, why don’t we stop complaining and lusting after what we see and make the woman or man who stands beside us appealing? Giving them a chance to glow and blossom in our sight. To open our eyes and really see that beyond the makeup and glamour we see in the tabloids lie women and men just like your wives, husbands, boyfriends and girlfriends. Behind the photo shopped image are freckles and pimples just like the lady in your bed. The ever smooth and silky skin is nothing but lighting techniques and shadings. He pumped up six pack is a result of hard work in the gym if not surgery.

Many women and men have had broken relationships simply because the “greener pastures” were masked in toned bodies, expensive make-up and perfumes. We lose the whole essence of beauty by believing that it lies in what we see, whatever happened to the skin deep beauty? One that was experienced daily and got better with every passing day? Is it that we have completely succumbed to the vanity that lies everywhere around us. Is our insatiable ego taking control of who we are? Seeking perfection when we know very well that none exists? Or is it that we only long for what we could never have? Why not look closer to our kitchens, bedrooms, and offices and even at the front seat of our cars and see the beautiful women and handsome men who sit beside us? They may not be George Clooney or Brad Pitt, not Halle berry or Megan Fox but they love us for who we are. Look at the reflection in the mirror and see how far we are from perfection, how could we demand the same of those we stand beside us?

It’s not a criminal act to beautify our bodies and its very appealing to be beside a well groomed person. But wouldn’t it be more fun of we could be the ones to bring out the beauty in our partner? To be the one who turns their insecurities into confidence. It may sound as a wishful thought but think about it. Your Gisele, Heidi Klum, Naomi, Tyra, Scarlett, Johnny Depp is beside you, perhaps even better! J

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