Sunday 13 December 2009


I believe that many a times in our lives, we plan, plot and program solutions mainly in the future “psychological time” frame. We believe that tomorrow, the solution you plotted up today will be the answer. Appears as though you can see the future through a crystal glass; today is just a bad day but tomorrow with the “sun rise” this problem will go away. What a delusional way to think! I have to objections on planning and I have been known to be a “good planner”.

Albeit if you read carefully through my words you will note that I referred to the “psychological time”. This is a time frame which never arrives, it’s a way of sugar-coating our scapegoats and forgetting that all we have is this moment. The plans may come to implemented in the future “clock time” but how surprising it is for us that a new problem wakes up. The old trouble is gone but a new one is at the door. The stormy past appears to have gone but alas!, its has taken a new twist. The winds have changed directions and perhaps gained momentum. We are left clueless and perhaps with no more “way out”.

But who knew things would turn out this way? In the process of planning, it seemed like a well laid plan. How did everything go from bad to worse, you ask yourself? How did the seemingly meaningless arguments lead to a divorce? The innocently rude teenager turns out hardcore criminal? The meaningless flirt led to an affair? The manageable credit card debt crippling us to bankruptcy or better, abuse of pain killers to a drug addiction? The examples are endless. But these are some of the situations we find ourselves in but dismiss them by saying “tomorrow” I will talk to my better half, “next week” I will phone my bank or pay my credit card, “next month” while on vacation I will sit up with my teenage daughter/son for a heart to heart talk; “next year” I will stop taking the depression/sleeping pills. I will visit my sick grandmother “next spring”; I will apologize to my spouse “tomorrow” night over dinner….

We store our monsters away and re-direct our storms. But how surprising it is when they take a new twist and return in full force? What was dismissed as a sweet madness brings us to our knees and no more scapegoats “one last time’. The stormy phase of our life has returned with a new twist. No where to hide and no possible way to correct….. “It could always be worse” a saying of the wise men.

There is hope however, and it all starts today or better this moment. That’s all we will ever have. doing all we in this moment, living through pain, working out our issues in this moment and when we need help, swallowing our pride to find possible solution within the “present time” frame. It may take a miracle but be conscious of the storm, shield yourself when possible, don’t wait for it to take a new twist and gain momentum. The second, minute, day, month, year or decade may never come.

Our procrastination may fuel the stormy phase of our life situation that we have today. Let the tears flow, the pocket run empty after clearing our debts, the stress dissolve and hearts love…this “moment”. The storm is twisting!!

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