Wednesday 2 December 2009


An article in one of Kenya’s newspaper reels me into deep reflection on the unbalanced life cycles in the world today. I see a picture of a man poorly bandaged, lying on a stretcher with helpless relatives watching on. The hospital is crowded, doctors scarce. I can’t help but reflect on the instances when I have walked into hospitals without queues and attended to within minutes. Places staffed with nurses that could outnumber the patients.

I am not a wealthy woman and I have my areas of struggles but the sight is pitiful. How human beings lie on wooden beds without cover and wait for medical help that is out of reach. Who is to blame? In this case, humanity. We are all responsible for the self centeredness that has inflicted humanity. Few may care but even in the midst of these many still pursue selfish gains such as huge pharmaceuticals testing dangerous drugs on the defenseless population, a Hollywood star seeking to obtain huge figures on the next movie.

Poor children die in the arms of helpless mothers, infants sucking breasts without milk, injured bleeding profusely to death all in wait for help. But where does help come from? Will the situation get any better? What a different world it would be when few individuals ceased to take priceless wine at one sitting in the hope of entertainment and gave a drop of water to the thirsty throat that yearns for it. How vain we all are in what we seek. When some hope for a drop of milk, while we bath in milk tub at an exotic spa resort. A child in need of a spoon of honey, I cover my skin with jars of honey at one go.

I am not pointing fingers instead trying to bring an awakening to the fading humanity, to reach out to those who still have hearts that care. You may have no dollar to give but a gentle hand to help the blind man across the street would do. Instead of watching the figures grow in your bank account watch healthy children grow to the future society. The wise men say “give and it will come back to you”

For those of us stifled with greed I say a gentle prayer for you tonight to open the doors to your barn and reach out to that breath that will soon be gassed out. What a wonderful world this would be if we could just give not necessarily in monetary value but even your skill could be gift to someone in need.

We could heal the world if we could open the doors to our barns, it could be as cheap and a simple hug to an ailing elderly person or even a smile to the lonely person dying of depression. Time is now to stretch out your hand and help….heal the world.

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