Thursday 10 June 2010


Strolling with my umbrella in hand earlier this evening I was reminded of someone very special in my life; my dad! The umbrella reminded me of my father’s walking stick. Having lived in England for a while, he adopted the English culture in a few ways and the walking stick was one of them. With every step I took, I leaned on my umbrella as though it was my walking stick. I remembered the moments I had watched my father lean on his stick while he took his walking rounds at dusk. It suddenly hit me that just as I loved evening walks and my umbrella, so does the man whom I adore so much.

It may mean nothing to you as you read this blog but I write it especially for him. He may need the support of his special walking stick because he has passed on to us all his strength. Over time, I have been through the mill in my life and every time I almost gave up, the strength I received down from him made me rise up and try again. I have had my share of mistakes and shortcomings and am far from perfection but my heart is filled with humility because I witnessed the life of a humble man. His name may not appear in the books and no song may have been sung about him, but he lives in my heart.

As my footsteps followed the strokes of my umbrella, I felt as though I was walking in the steps of my father. I write my own destiny every day with the decisions I make but the lessons I picked from observing the life lived by my parents guide me. Moments when I often felt lost and lonely, the memories of a loving father keeps me alive. A man who even though loves his walking stick is strong and solid as a rock. I may never have a golden heart as he has and I may sacrifice less than he has for us but I am thankful today that he is my father.

I could go on and on of how proud I am to be his daughter but some of the special memories, I hope to share with my children some day and tell them of the love I had while growing up. Even though it was unspoken, it is so loud in his actions, silence and his sense of humor. I see my umbrella and I feel his presence and love. I see him in me and I hope his strength I keep through the tough times yet to come; his love, I hope to share with those around me and his humility to be an example to emulate. This night, I pray that he is safe wherever he is and he knows that his daughter thinks of him.

What reminds you of that special person in your life? It could be as simple as an umbrella or even yet simpler your image in the mirror. This evening it was my umbrella, perhaps tomorrow it would be something else but every day I think of the "angels " who have graced my path and continue to do so. One of them holds a walking stick...

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