Saturday 28 November 2009


Listening to the soundtrack of the movie “constant gardener”, which has been sung in my mother tongue, a note inside me rises up. A note connected to the tunes of my fore -fathers. The melody so somber and sad, takes me away to the memories of my childhood. A memory, of a herdsman of my grandparents’ cattle. I recall his humility and good cheer, Impossible to lose his cool and always willing to lend a helping hand.

With nostalgia, I recall his dances, how often he gave in to our bullying acts. He was happy, so happy inside. In his simplicity he had it all. Why do I talk about him tonight? Watching the movie “constant gardener” I see the pain that innocent children in Africa go through. The deadly illness that surround them, violent tribal clashes, epidemics, poverty and often bullying for the “west” (no offense to the western world). The amazing fact is that they smile and dance even in the midst of uncertainty. The future may be bleak and they may go to bed on empty stomachs or on simple porridge but this does not break their spirit. The smiles and laughter are so alive and free and even when mean journalists come around to air their dirty linen to those of us who are ignorant of their world, they pose which such poise, sometimes a shy smile but at the end they laugh and wave.

How magical? Happy are those who are simple at heart. They have so little and yet they are so rich, so giving and they make us feel welcome in their innocence. I compare this to the lucky part of the human race, which place their worth and value in form of material substances. When these disappear they remain worthless for they never got to connect to their well of joy inside. We take it for granted that we can be happy by just accepting who we are. By not chasing the waterfalls. What we have at this moment is all we ever have and even though it may be hard to imagine, it could always be worse.

I hum the melody I heard this night and a peace transcends peace that tells me that all I need is right with me at this moment. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not here, but this moment, I am happy, complete and thankful.

I press gently across my chest and feel my heart pump gently in my chest and I know the gift that I posses tonight. I smile and I feel joy well up in me. This is me so whole and so blessed. Back to the story of the humble herdsman of my childhood, even though he never set foot on a plane, he never saw the flash of a camera, he never shook the hands of a “mzungu” that his fellow village mates so longed to do, he died a happy man. As silent as he lived his life.
Many of us search for what may never be. It’s not where you search for it. True joy is a well inside of you. Feel it and search no further. No picket fences, no limousines, no security guard will give you the peace you need.

Aye! Aye! The rain is nigh, bring the cattle back to the shed.