Monday 26 October 2009


I have heard this phrase on so many occasions. Poetry, songs and even self help books talk about the storms of life. The weather men may warn us of a physical storm and even though the warning may be late, rarely is it absent. The clouds will tell us when its nigh and the flashes of lightning will remind us that we need to take cover for the fast approaching bad weather..
Yes, indeed. We run to take cover and cover our heads not to get wet. Stay at home behind locked doors safe away from the strong winds. Ironic, how we can protect ourselves from the rain storms, sand storms and yet fail to keep safe from the potential daily life storms. Why not take cover?

The answer varies, many people don’t live their lives consciously, perhaps in addiction, denial, resentment, hatred and some deeply absorbed in their pain. The storm finds our doors open, our umbrellas broken, some lost, some not even in our possession. The lightning may strike but we are blinded by our life situations that we cannot see. The thunder may groan but our deaf ears cannot hear the sound. The storm sweeps through each and every stronghold left within us.
The gushing floods of despair and helplessness, grip our weak physique. Denial and pride keeps us from clutching onto the last straws. Our ego lets us believe that we always come out victorious and that nothing else matters other than “I”. Often selfishness takes place of kindness, charity and empathy. The storm will break every branch that we may have. The flowers that may bloom will lose its shine. While the storm lasts. All we think about is when it will get through. When will the rains stop falling? Will the lightning strike our shelter next? What happens when the storm uproots us from the roots? How do we keep ourselves alive? How do we stay alive when the storm takes away all that we thought would shield us in the event of a calamity?

We have a choice, to yield into the stormy period and live through every moment of it or stay in denial. Assume there is no rain and get wet, or turn a blind eye to the lightning and get struck. The choice is ours. Just like the trees in the forest need fellow trees to weather the stormy season so do we need companionship in our lives. It could be our family, friends or colleagues. In certain events it could be the consciousness of a stranger that awakens us.

After the storm has passed, no after-showers, no lightning streaks and the floods have passed; we sit and survey the damage. The fallen branches, we have lost our shine or perhaps our fruits of life. The price may be dear and damage irreparable. But hey, do you notice you are alive! Yes. You are! You survived it all. There is life flowing through you. Do you sit and indulge in this moment, to feel the wholeness inside despite the external loss? do we let our ego make us feel worthless or do we accept and surrender to moment.

I am not saying you sit and take no action, but I urge to feel the life inside and live through this pain, loss or even better, save a drowning brother. Bring them back to consciousness. Some may not understand what I write but perhaps they are yet to feel it. The storm will have passed but you are alive. Who is or will be standing beside you?..
After the storm, it’s all gone, feel the moment and live… sure yet another storm is in the horizon…